- Chapter 3 - There Are No Truths Without Lies -

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[ "There are things that can only be given to the ones that are lucky. Me, on the other hand, does not even know if it's even worth the effort." 

"Nobody deserves to be lonely and despised in the world. Sure, there might be a few out there. But I understand that it isn't completely your fault for being this way, Childe." 

"Well, I guess so......I trust you, just a little." ]


Strange.....why am I not getting any response back from the Harbingers? They should have been informed about the Liyue Qixing by now. Childe was pacing back and forth in his room, tapping his finger thoughtfully on his chin. Could there have been an interruption then? I'm sure they already have it all under control. He ran his fingers through the orange locks of his hair, sitting down onto the edge of his bed and letting out a sigh. He glanced out the window, letting the warm afternoon sun cast its ray of light onto Childe's now frighteningly pale skin. He seemed to have lost some of his vitality and healthy glow, growing all the more tired and looking a little too weak to fight. His eyes squinted and he quickly shielded his face from the glaring sun. His heart was beating really faintly and somehow, Childe had a very strong urge to pass out cold. Instead of taking a rest, Childe just poured himself a glass of water and gulped it all down. His throat was as dry as the Sahara and it stung while he swallowed the water, making him wince. Oh great, I have a sore throat now? This is getting annoying.

Just then, there was a frantic knock on the door and Childe agreed to let the person in. A Fatui agent hurried inside and gave a quick polite bow before he began to blurt out the urgent message he had received. "Master Childe, the two letters that been sent to deliver have unexpectedly been switched during its voyage to Snezhnaya. "

Those words quickly snapped Childe back to full alertness and he stood right up, glaring at the agent. "What?! Are you sure about that?" As the agent nodded and began to confirm everything, Childe then added. "If the letters had been switched then......oh no, Teucer! He must have found out about my..........job with the Fatui. This is bad! This is really bad, I can't have him find out about this, it will ruin his life forever! I have to go back to Snezhnaya now!"

"Right away, Young Master Childe, there is a boat already docked and prepared to leave by the harbor. Please, come this way." The other replied, then instantly walking out of the door, following closely behind the Harbinger that had begun to move without a second to waste.

Trudging through the thick snowy expanse of Snezhnaya, Childe braved the harsh and cold storm that was brewing relentlessly out within the forest. He had been accustomed to this constant downfall of snow and ice. But this time, due to the weakening of his physical health, Childe was struggling to cover his body by using his winter coat. He was even shivering violently, sensing some parts of his face already going frozen solid. Childe grunted and forced himself to walk, covering his face from the intense wind and hoping to see his old home once again.

Meanwhile, on another region in Snezhnaya, a group of people dressed in thick cloaks somewhat made their way down a really smooth cobbled path that led all the way to a really fancy looking building – Zapolyarny Palace. Stopping on their tracks and removing their hoods, Ningguang and the Liyue Qixing, along with even Xiao himself, had finally arrived at the most horrifying spot anyone could ever set foot on. In such a sealed off location with a snowstorm to hide it from the world outside, this has to be the most perfect spot for the Harbingers to plot and gather. Ningguang turned to look back at the group, giving them a confident nod before they all began to head straight inside.


"Teucer!" Childe called out as soon as he spotted his little brother. Running towards him, the ginger then realized that Teucer had been sitting there crying for a very long time. The Harbinger tried to catch his breath but only cold air froze his lungs and made it impossible for him to speak clearly. "I-I'm......very sorry......"

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