- Prologue - At Long Last, For The Fatui! -

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The sound of metal clanging against metal rang loud and clear in the Golden House. 

Two warriors, as if caught in a trance-like state, locked their eyes upon each other as they engaged in a fierce battle. Dodging attacks and using magic to parry in response, Aether lifted his sword and it crashed against a large spear, he grunted due to the sheer weight that was pressing toward him and he instantly leapt away before the spear could land a nasty jab into his body. Aether then spotted the Harbinger raising his spear again and summoning a series of attacks coming from above. Bright blue markings appeared on the floor and Aether quickly ran towards the center of the arena, standing on a spot where there were nothing on it. He successfully avoided getting hit and this made Childe frustrated. He growled in anger, stabbing his spear roughly onto the floor, making it slowly tear apart. Magic burst forth and the ground began to crack. Aether stumbled about, losing his balance and he ended up tripping on a concrete debris that shot up unexpectedly. The traveler fell and knocked his head hard on the ground, but he was too late to avoid a surprise attack from Childe as he shot a powerful electrified arrow straight towards Aether's leg, hitting home just before the traveler could get up and run. The blonde boy screamed in agony as a stinging pain erupted inside his upper leg, making him fall back down. Without hesitation, Aether quickly summoned a large Geo crystallized wall out of fear and defense when Childe was rapidly approaching him. Unfortunately, the agony in Aether's leg had hindered his magical concentration and the wall was not strong enough to block the Harbinger, it came crumbling down like dust and Childe then threw a kick on Aether's small body, shoving him against the wall. The impact knocked the wind out of his lungs and the boy choked, gagging and coughing violently as blood and saliva spilled out of his mouth. 

There was the sound of mocking laughter from across the hall. He looked up, blurry vision making out the tall figure of a warrior clad in dark blue getting closer to his wounded body. "Who would have thought that I can finally see the day where I, no.11 of the Fatui Harbingers, would be beating you up mercilessly. The legendary traveler that has the whole of Teyvat worshipping at your feet, now being the one that wipes the floor before my very eyes. Oh, what a sight to behold!" He then let out a hearty, almost manic cackle of triumph.

Aether winced, blinking his eyes hard and trying to regather his bearings. "Speak for yourself.......ugh, you're starting to sound like Signora." The traveler was lucky enough to have dodged a really fast, incoming arrow that was shot just a few inches away from his head. Aether turned around and stared incredulously at Childe, who was fuming mad. "Do not compare me to that bastard witch! I am nowhere near close to how big of a nuisance she was. She is gone now and I shall rise to power. Don't even dare speak of her name when you spar with me, traveler!"

"Oh yeah? And why are you so pent up right now, huh? Did you end up getting bullied by a Hilichurl before we fought or something?" Aether teased Childe back as he stood up, his leg screaming at him and more blood began to pool out. He grasped onto the wall to gain more balance but his eyes remained fixed on the person before him. "Makes me wonder, just what exactly happened to have you reacting and behaving this way? I thought we used to be on good terms with each other right after I saved Liyue from your shenanigans."

"Good terms?! You have deluded yourself! Mistaking my kind and affectionate nature as a sign that I was slowly opening up to you, just how much of that nasty Dandelion Wine have you even been drinking? Does that explain why you've been holding back so much while you fought me? I will not take that as an excuse for you to be slacking off, so you better take this fight seriously!" He hollered back.

Aether stormed closer to Childe and yelled out with even more pent up rage, "What do you mean slacking off? Stop putting words in my mouth! I never intended to battle you, Childe, you were the one that's always picking a stupid fight with me all the time! I was only doing this just so I could help satisfy your pathetic addiction for violence and murder! What else do you think I'm doing this for?"

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