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Choi stared out of the window of the car as his father drove him to his apartment. He was upset but he would not let it show even though it consumed him from inside. He had constantly been checking his phone to see if Tae had called and he had even tried calling her but the lady keep saying, "the number you are trying to reach is unavailable."

Choi was filled with guilt over how he unceremoniously got Tae kicked out of his room the other day. Truth was, the moment he saw her, he felt so happy and pleased even though she barely looked at him but the moment she opened her mouth to speak, anger slowly consumed him and before he said things he regretted to her, he got her kicked out.

Because he could not accept that she was getting married!

All along, he thought the vacation romance was between two single people only to find out that the other was an engaged woman, belonging to a other man! It pissed him off. It pissed him off more than he cared to admit but what was worse was the hurt that came with it.

He was in love with Tae, that much he cared to admit.

But she didn't share the same sentiments. She didn't want him like he wanted her.

He felt ashamed of himself. Like it was his fault that all of this had happened because he caught feelings for someone who had made it clear from the beginning that what they had going on was frankly just a vibe thing, nothing serious.

Choi shook his head to clear it of such foolish thoughts. He was not at fault and that was it.

His father helped him out of the car and up to his apartment, pushing his wheelchair.

The apartment was clean and spotless and fresh, a sure sign that Suzy had cleaned recently. Choi smiled, instantly feeling a bit better and his love for his stepmother intensifying. Suzy knew that his love language included a clean environment which could raise his mood.

"I'm going to switch the TV on and head out to get your mom and brother from our place. I'm sure she has cooked your favorites. I don't understand why she cannot love me like she loves you and Jang. The only time she cooks something I love is when she wants something from me." Choi's father fake cried as he left, leaving Choi laughing to himself as he scrolled through the channels.

The doorbell rang and he bellowed, "COME IN!!"

When he looked up, Tae's father stood at the door, smiling slightly at Choi who didnt return the smile.

"Good morning, Mr. Choi Hyun."

"Good morning, sir," he replied.

The man closed the door and sat in the chair beside Choi. "I am terribly sorry about what happened to you. I only meant to be honest with you, not to bring grievous harm which you sustained, unfortunately."

Choi kept quiet.

"Well, anyway, I bring good news. Your proposal got approved. We had out team present it to the investors and they absolutely loved it. As soon as you recover, we will get you on a flight to our group of companies headquarters and you can sign the contract. Maybe tweak a few things you are not satisfied with and then officially, you become part of the group of companies."

Choi nodded. "I look forward to it, Mr. Lobane."

Tae's father nodded and stood up, preparing to leave. "I am heading back home tonight. Anything you need to talk about while I'm here?"

Choi knew what he was getting at. "No, sir. Nothing."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and let Tae's father walk to the door. As soon as the man touched the door handle, Choi stopped him.

"Is she alright?"

Tae's father turned to him with a sad smile. "Depends how you define alright. But she's doing well. She was a little sad to be leaving us but unfortunately we had no choice but to let her go earlier than expected. She needs the rest."

Choi nodded. "Um...she mentioned something...something about wanting to get married for the experience of a wedding and having kids before she died. What was that about?"

"Why don't you give her a call, son? Let her explain everything to you."

"I tried. Her phone is not going through."

"You did not get this from me." Tae's father quickly input a number into Choi's phone and bid him farewell before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Choi wasted no time. He immediately FaceTimed the number.

"Who are you?" Tae croaked, moving around before her face came into focus. She was lying on her bed, having just woke up and still in her hair cover and pyjamas. "It's 1am and you better have a damn good solid reason to wake me up with FaceTime."

Choi turned the camera mode into selfie so that Tae would see him.

She stared in shock at him.

"Hi," he said.

"Where'd you get this number?" she throatily asked as she sat up and switched on the light in her room.

"I have my ways," he said as he stared at her, remembering her crusty bed face. A small smile made its way to his face. "I have good news," he said, initiating conversation. "I got the deal with your group of companies."

"I know. Congratulations," Tae quietly said.

"I wouldn't have it without your help-"

Tae wiped her face. "What do you want, Choi? You told me to stay away. I am staying away like you asked." She sounded drained and fatigued. "You said you never wanted to see me again but you're calling me. Look, congratulations on the deal. You deserve it. Goodnight, Choi-"

"Wait! Tae, wait, please."

She looked like she was on the verge of tears but was trying to hide herself.

Choi felt guilt and remorse tug at him. "What were you trying to tell me the other day? At the hospital?"

She bit her trembling lip. "It doesn't matter, Choi," she softly answered.

"Tae, please. Talk to me. I know what I said in that hospital but I was angry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Tae."

Her tears fell. "I'm sorry too," she whispered, looking away. "I'm just an emotional wreck right now but I'll be fine," she apologetically said. "I miss you."

Choi was taken aback. "What?"

"I miss you so bad, Choi. Your kisses, your hugs, your scent, everything about you, I miss it. But you don't want me anywhere near you and I don't blame you. But I miss you."

"What about your husband?"

"I am not getting married. And anyway, the man I was going to marry has married someone else. Someone who loves him back."

Choi found himself smiling. "I miss you too and this is completely random but are you wearing my pyjamas that you took the other day and never brought back?"

Tae nodded and chuckled lightly, wiping her tears.

"Back to my question. What were you saying back in the hospital?"

"That I'm dying. I have sickle cell anaemia and somehow, mine has managed to mutate and make my red blood cells thinner than they already were. The doctors say they keep shrinking bi-monthly and it's getting harder for my body to receive and transport adequate oxygen around my body. So basically, I am slowly dying. That's why I'm retired now." Tae chuckled. "I'm just waiting for my early pension in order to travel the world until my body gives up on me. Being one of the bosses' daughter comes with its perks."

Choi turned his face away from the camera to wipe his tears. "So you weren't lying?"

"I wish I was."

"Can I call you  again later?"

"No problem."

Choi nodded. "Love you. Talk later."

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