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By the time the two were done, it was getting dark outside and they only stopped because if was getting too dark to see.

Tae looked up from her tablet and removed her glasses, sighing with fatigue. The proposal had so many errors and mistakes and in some places, things didn't make sense. Choi had to explain and everything just took longer than she would have expected.

Honestly, the only job Tae had to do was analyse the proposal and if it wasn't up to par, she would give it back to him to fix but she was actually helping him fix it up, using her time to show him his mistakes and giving him tips here and there on how to make the proposal ready for presentation should it be acceptably laid out.

Choi, exhausted from the couple of hours' work, lay down on the floor, his energy maxed out because the only break he had been allowed was a bathroom break. This Tae woman had not come here to play. Of that, he was certain. Who was she anyway? Why send her?

He glanced at her as she wiped below her eyes, looking tired.

"You want anything to eat?" he asked, standing up to close the curtains and switch on the lights.

"I'll eat when I get back to my house, thanks." She looked at him as the lights came on, illuminating the open and spotless kitchenette and lounge spaces with their polished floors and everything wooden or metallic.

Tae figured out that either Choi was a neat freak with OCD or he was a germaphobe. Ish. The minimal decorations and clean clutter free spaces were void of any dirt, stains or anything out of place and looking at the man himself, Choi was very clean...in fact, if a house and it's owner could be called clean, they were clinically clean.

"You have a very nice apartment," Tae said, looking around.

Choi looked at her from the kitchenette. This was the first time she had said something nice to him. "Thank you. I like places that I can easily clean myself. Minimal and straight lines. Less chances of dirt hiding."


Choi slightly smiled and nodded. "Since I was a kid. I like neat things. Very neat things."

Tae folded her legs under her body and she saw him slightly flinch as her feet lay on his white couch. She ignored it. "I have a bit of a neat freak in me. I also don't like having people in my space often."

Choi brought her a plate of the food Jang and his father had brought and she accepted them, although hesitantly. He went back to sit on his bench and studied her face as she ate, closing her eyes in bliss as she chewed on the food.

Trust women to say they are not hungry one moment and then eat like they are having their last meal once offered something to eat.

"What do you do in the group of companies?" Choi asked, eating from his own plate.

"I am an analyser mostly. I check how your business will perform and basically if it will benefit us in any way in the long run if we invest in it. You have a really good idea but your proposal writing is really bad."

His appetite suddenly left. It looked like this Tae woman was enjoying tearing him down. "If it's so bad, why are you here?"

"You just got lucky that someone actually took their time to read it over. A very great idea worded and presented in the worst way possible. What job did or do you work?"

"I work as a teller at the bank downtown. Why?"

"Well, I could tell that you don't work a mentally challenging job. I also thought you'd be some rich playboy or something considering how much these apartments you live in can go for."

"How would you know my rent?"

Tae smirked. "Let's just say I know the landlord."

Choi bit into some oxtail. "Well, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and helping me, Ms Tae."

"My schedule was anything but busy. Unfortunately I came here just for you, with no extra activities planned." Tae stood up and took her plate to the sink, emptying the bones and washing it before placing it in the drying rack.

Choi stood up and covered his barely touched plate with foil before putting it in the microwave. He turned to the woman that was just grabbing her bag and putting her phone and tablet in it.

"So, Mr. Hyun, we still have a lot to work on...thank you for the food-your mother is a great cook. At least I'm not going to eat microwaved noodles tonight." She looked at him. "Because I'll be spending more time with you until we finish with your proposal, I feel like we should split the days we'll be working between my apartment and yours. I am available on my phone at any time of the day if you have questions or want to go over anything. My bosses expect your proposal on their desk by the end of next week."

Choi nodded. "Well, let me show you out."


As the two walked out of the apartment towards the elevator in the brightly lit and spacious passage, Choi kept glancing at Tae and then looking around to make sure that nobody saw him with her. Yes, it was that deep despite the tremendous amount of help she was giving him.

This was Korea after all. Skin counted.

The neighbor's door opened and the beautiful woman that had just moved in a week ago stopped in surprise, bluntly staring at the two as her dyed brown hair swayed gently.

"Good evening," Tae unashamedly greeted the woman when she noticed that Choi was walking slightly behind her, as if he had just met her right in this passage.

The woman choked on whatever she was about to say in shock. She gave Tae a small bow before turning to Choi with a million questions on her face. Choi could not even bring himself to look at her because he knew what he would find on her face.

"Oppa (older brother)!" Tae called in an almost whiny voice as she stepped into the elevator. She knew that the man was embarrassed to be seen with her and maybe that was why he asked that she come to his apartment! So she was going to make this as uncomfortable for him as she possibly could.

Choi stopped in his tracks.

"Oppa (older brother)!" Tae whined again with a cute fake grin. "Annyeonghi Jumuseyo (goodnight)."

The elevator doors closed and Choi looked at his new neighbor, whom he had been planning to ask out when he finally found the courage and back bone to.

She stared at him with her small eyes that were wide with shock. She quickly turned back into her apartment and shut the door before he could utter a word.

He cursed, glancing frustratedly at the elevator before walking back to his apartment.

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