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A day later, Choi sat down for lunch with his family but he didn't have an appetite. He was full of excitement and couldn't eat. He understood that Tae was leaving in a few days and he had made peace with that. He was going to make the best of those days just like a vacation romance.

In truth, he was a little scared to go forward because he had never expected things to do a 180 like this with the woman. He kept wondering, would he still be embarrassed to be seen with her? Was he going to take her out in public with him?

Yes, he thought. Yes, I am going to take her out in public.

He did not kid himself about Tae feeling the same way he was. She could have just been taken up by the moment last night and Choi left room for her to be cold towards him today. It would save him from embarrassment of putting his expectations too high.

But you only lived once, right? So fuck it.

He was going to call Tae and talk to her about this before he made a fool of himself in front of her. He was going to ask where she stood after last night so as to know whether to pursue the potential two second romance or not.

"Hyung (older brother)," Jang Ki whined. "You're being creepy, staring at me like that."

Choi realised he had been absentmindedly staring at his brother as he stirred his rice. He came back to Earth. "Sorry, I was just lost in my head for a moment."

His mother looked at him suspiciously. "Choi?"

"Hhmm?" He shovelled some rice and kale into his mouth.

Suzy smirked. "Let's talk for a minute, yeah?"

Choi nodded before following her to the kitchen. He leaned against the sink and looked at her, brushing his messy curls from his forehead.

Suzy grinned. "When am I meeting her?"

Choi frowned. "Whom?"

"The girl."

"What girl?" Choi uncomfortably shifted to the other leg. Trust Suzy to be the first to notice that he was being weird today.

"I've known you since you were 14, Choi. I know when you have met someone that you like."

"There's no one," Choi, a thirty year old male, whined like a child, wishing Suzy could leave him alone. "Things are just really going well with the proposal and the presentation. That is what makes me happy."

Suzy only nodded knowingly. "So beautiful Korean grandkids coming soon?"

Choi scratched his head. "Um...sure."

Tae was leaving soon and he wasn't going to see her for a while. He highly doubted that she would want to keep in contact when she left Korea but he was crossing his fingers. Be that as it may, nobody had to know that currently, he had sights on his potential boss.

A black woman at that.

"I hope my grandbabies look like you," Suzy fondly said.

Choi nervously smiled. If only she knew.

The phone rang, saving him and he quickly rushed back to the lounge where he found Jang already answering it with a grin.

"Hey, Ms. Tae," he was saying. "When are you coming over again?"

Choi snatched the phone out of his brother's hand, pushing his head in annoyance before excusing himself outside where he finally answered Tae.

"Hi," he said, his heart thumping.

"Hi, Choi."

He smiled. "I've been meaning to call you. Are you alright?"

She was quiet for a moment before she sighed. "Yes. I'm quite alright but I feel like we need to talk. Do you mind coming over?"

He closed his eyes for a moment before replying. "I'll see you in an hour or more."

"Ok. Um...bye."

She cut the call.


Almost two hours later, Choi found himself standing at the spot where he had kissed Tae last night. He wiped his face with his hand before walking down the sloping walkway to her front door.

She heard her doorbell ring and rushed to the door before letting Choi in. He looked absolutely handsome with his curly hair that was still faded on the sides. Wrapping his body snugly was a long brown coat with a black woolen turtleneck under it and a pair of whitewashed blue jeans.

She nervously looked up at him as he stared at her, his dark brown eyes capturing hers. They stood there, just gazing at each other.

Choi couldn't stop staring. Tae's hair was once again, in that straight bob that always framed her round face and she had on pink eyeshadow and dramatic eyelashes that just seemed so fitting. Her nude lipstick glistened with gloss over it, the darker outline bringing out the shape of her full lips that had Choi wishing for a repeat of last night.

Tae was beautiful in every way, with and without makeup.

She cleared her throat. "Please come in."

He walked in, taking off his coat and hanging it on the hooks on the wall. He followed her to the kitchen where it seemed she had just gotten started, making some food. After the food he ate last time he was here, he couldn't wait to eat even though he was full from Suzy's cooking.

She grabbed the knife she had been using and started chopping up the vegetables on the chopping block.

Choi sat down on a stool and watched her with fascination.

"Do you need help?" he asked when she started sauteing the vegetables.

She nodded and he walked over.

She was shocked when she felt him behind her, his arms snaking around her middle as he hugged her, burying his face in her neck.

She almost dropped the vegetable pan when he nipped at her skin playfully. A pool of moisture gathered between her legs at that gesture and she crossed them, righting the pan on the stove.

"Choi...we need to talk first-"

He turned her around to face him. "I know you're not looking for anything long-term," he said, his arms resting at the small of her back. "I'm fine with whatever you're giving. Even if it's the remaining 4 days left of your stay."

She nodded. "If your proposal is approved, nobody can know about us," she whispered. "Promise me."

He hooked his pinkie to hers. "I promise, Tae."

She turned back to her vegetables but he wouldn't let her. His hand slid down to her ample bottom, gripping it.

He cursed under his breath, his lips kissing her ear as he pulled her back against his chest. His left arm rested against her belly and his right hand found its way around her neck.

She gasped, standing on tippie toes because she wanted to feel more of Choi's manhood against her ass. He bent her slightly over the pan and pressed into her from behind. This was so dangerous and it excited her.

"Turn off the stove," he whispered softly in her ear.

She complied and he pulled her back against him, grinding his engorged groin against her backside. She closed her eyes, wanting for more.

"Look at me," Choi commanded, his voice hard but his face soft.

She turned and looked up at him. He was dominant, that much was clear and truthfully, that was exactly how she liked her men.

Choi undressed her with his eyes, walking around her like a critic inspecting art. He stood behind her and Tae waited with bated breath.

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