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'Increase our watch on the perimeters and inform everyone to stay cautious. We're not sure if those men on the rooftop was killed by the explosion. But if word gets out that VVA was the cause of this and that we have the diamond, we'll be hunted for sport' announced Scoups and I couldn't help but smile at the mess I made.

'Oh yeah I forgot about that part. Fine, fine. You can call me dumb and useless' I said rolling my eyes as I seemed to have confirmed Scoups thoughts about me.

Scoups shook his head and smiled faintly

'Kui I've known you for so long, if you think I hired you without expecting something like this, I can't call myself your friend. Although i did expect at least unharmed members, but you all came back in one piece this time.'

'Someone came back in pieces?!' Exclaimed Junhui

'Don't ask' I reply

He looked to Scoups for an answer to which he merely shrugged. 

'I mean sure... there's a tiny mess that I made. But that diamond is in your hands now right?'

'I guess the pros outweigh the cons' says Scoups with an satisfied nod

'I'll be looking forward to working with you more in the future' He said

'Really. You want me back?' I ask.

'We'll it's not bad having a familiar face around' he said uncharacteristically.

'Uh, you're welcome i guess? Alright then stranger, see you never' I said as I exited his office

Who knows, maybe I can take him up on his offer.

'If you're ever bored, you can drop by anytime' someone said behind me.

I turned and saw Junhui smiling at me. I walked towards him and patted his back.

'If you ever need a sparring partner to upgrade your shitty skills. You can drop by mine anytime' I said in reply. Handing out my handmade business card to him.

'Are you serious? This looks like it was done by a 6-year-old'

'Oh shut it Hui'

I was quickly swamped into a hug by the taller male and we held each other for a moment.

'Seriously though, thank you. You saved my life out there' he murmured.

'You would do the same'.

He let me go and started walking back. I waved goodbye as I got into my bike.

'Call me, honey!'

'Yeah yeah, heal that leg of yours first Hui and then we'll see' I replied back

I sped off down the street and looked back one last time. The speck of purple becoming smaller and smaller as the distance grew. I laughed to myself and shook my head in disbelief. What a nightmare. 

Til next time Hui.

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