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'Joshua what's going on?'.

'I don't know Kui-' and his voice cut off.

'Joshua! Joshua!' I shouted, but all I could was fuzzy noises.

Junhui looked at me in panic. We could hear shouts and footsteps from outside.

Looks like I'll have to handle this my way.

I detonated an explosive and threw it against the wall where it blasted open and showed the dark sky.

I grabbed Junhui and pushed him to climb onto the roof where I followed after him. Luckily, it wasn't covered in roofing tiles but solid cement as it seemed to be a balcony.

'We'll jump across to the next house. Get the driver to meet us a few streets down' I told him and he contacted the driver immediately.

We ran towards to other side of the house when a gunshot rang out. And I felt it whiz right past my ear.

'Another step and I won't miss this time' a voice called out.

We turned and to our horror we faced the leader of Bloodroot, a man known as L.

'Did you really think you're pathetic attempt at a heist would work?'.

Shit. We needed to go. Now.

'Why don't you show me those pretty faces of yours, I'm aware of hosted a party but not a masquerade ball' he said.

'On my signal you take a running leap towards the other house ok? Don't argue with me on this' I whispered to Junhui.

'Don't think you'll be able to get out of here alive let pet' he snarled as I counted his men behind him, certainly a lot more than us.

'How about we make a deal? If you throws us that pretty stone in your bag, I'll let you two walk away from here without a hand against you. You have 5 seconds until my men will open fire' he said with a deadly smile.


Damn snake, he knows well how to use his words when he's armed to the teeth with guns and knives.


I look at the duffel bag in my hands and felt the weight of it on my fingers.


'You're not going to-'

'Trust me' I said.


'Alright! I'll give it to you. Only if you let my partner go first' I said.

He and his men roared in laughter.

'You're certainly a brave little miss aren't you? Negotiating in a situation like this? But for your bravery I'll grant it to you' he said, and waved his hand to signal him away.

'Go Junhui, hide behind that store room just in case they try anything'.

He halted for a second but I pushed him away. He quickly ran towards the small store room and I faced the rest of the men again. Before I could process L nodding to one of his lackeys, a sharp cry rang out.

I turned quickly and saw Junhui stumble behind the store room as he clutched his bleeding leg.


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