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'That's a shitty ass plan. No.'

'The supplier won't take long to put the diamond in the vault so we need to get moving NOW. Unless you have another plan then we're sticking with mine.'

I breathe out in annoyance but didn't argue anymore. He's right I guess. But it's still a bad plan.


'Varoc, show this lovely couple the way to our love lounge, I think the mistress is getting a tad needy' the Second-in-command smirked at his lackey.

I grabbed Junhui's torso and try to look believable as much as my conscience lets me.

'Thank you Barmon. You know what they say "happy wife, happy life"' said Junhui as he leaned down to kiss the top of my forehead.

If he hadn't whisked me away I would have smashed my forehead into that pretty face of his. I bite the inside of my cheek and follow Varoc.

He lead us through the hallways and I made note of where we were. According to Scoups' map, we were on the east side of the mansion, with the vault directly above us on the top floor.

'Your room Mr and Mrs Wen' I wanted to vomit in my mouth.

'Thank you kind sir.' Junhui replied with a smile as we walked in the room.

Before I could get a word out, I felt my back slam against the wall as Junhui's face came dangerously close to mine. From the corner of my eye I could still see Varoc at the edge of the doorway.

'Make it believable' he whispered.

Before his lips crashed into mine. He held my waist and I ran my hands through his hair and down his back.

He pulled away the his arms came around me, he lifted me up and laid me on the bed. I saw Varoc shake his head and mutter something before slamming the door shut.

Not a second passed and I shoved Junhui off of me and glared at him as he smirked at me.

'Screw you Hui' I spat at him.

'You're welcome . And that was some good acting. Almost made me believe it too' he said

'Oh shut up'.

'Uhh.. sorry to interrupt but the supplier has left the vault' we heard Joshua's voice.

'We gave you quite the show Joshua, did you enjoy it?' Junhui teased.

'That's one way to put it. Scoups certainly knows how to pick his members huh?'.

Junhui snickered at his reply as I rolled my eyes.

We had managed to sneak past the gang members patrolling the halls and found ourselves in front of the vault. Which was heavily secured, obviously. 

'Can you open it?' Junhui asked

'Look at who you're talking to and ask that again' I said smugly

I've come across plenty of vaults like this. After a couple of minutes or so, we heard a loud click and the door cracked open.

'Nice job guys, now hurry, I think the leader is about to come up' said Joshua.

We quickly rushed inside and I was halted for a moment, at the beauty of the diamond.

'That is one big gem' Junhui remarked.

'Damn it Scoups never said it was this big'.

'We had no visual record of the stone I'm afraid. You two are gonna have to act smart and get out as quick as possible' was all Joshua could say.

'Are there any alarms?' I asked.

'I haven't detected any in this room' said Joshua.

I grab the diamond and stuff it in an empty bagel . I shook it over my shoulder and begin to plan an escape route where we would meet with our driver.

'Alright, we'll wait until the perimeter guards are switching over, then we'll scale down the mansion and run for it' I said.

But before we could take another step, the door to the vault slammed shut and alarms blared from every corner of the room. Shit.

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