three - the sleepover

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Y/n Blake

It was Friday morning, I woke up at about 5:30 to Juniper barging into my room and wanting me to play with her before she went to daycare, of course I tried to say no, but honestly she would've just started crying.

As so we did, we played with her Barbie dolls for half an hour before my mom had to go to work, and drive June to daycare.

I made myself breakfast and did my makeup, as always.

I was casually brushing my teeth as I hear someone yelling my name outside.

"WAIT" I yelled back, as I ran down the stairs heading to the door.

As I opened the door, Gwen, Finney and Robin stood there.

"Hi" Gwen said making both Robin and Finn laugh

"What. Do. You. Want"  I asked them as I playfully rolled my eyes as I rested my head on the door frame.

My eyes shifted to the side looking at Robin, before shifting them back at Gwen.

"You didn't answer the phone..?" She said unsurely, looking up to Finn with a questioning look.

"Alright, may we enter into your house, Y/n Blake?" Finn asked as he bowed and later walked in.

"What she meant was, that if we could have our sleepover here instead? Dad is having friends over, so we don't want to be there" he said.

"Sure, but was it really necessary to scream for me just for that?" I chuckled.

"..yes" Finn laughed.

"Alright, but we should probably go now? School is starting in 10 minutes." I said as I put on my shoes.

On our way to school we saw a black van driving by.

"Do you think that's the grabber" Gwen asked.

"Don't call him that, Gwenny" Finn said.

"What? Do you really think he only takes the kids that call him that?" She asked him rolling her eyes.
"Sureee" Robin said jokingly, not believing any of that stuff.
"What are you guys talking about anyway?" I asked in curiosity.

" a man that everyone call "the grabber" who supposedly was the one who took, griffin, billy and Vance." Robin answered.

In second period I had science, the teacher asked everyone to find a partner, me not knowing anyone else, me and Robin sat together.

Today we were to dissect a frog, which I thought was absolutely disgusting, so Robin did most of the work.

Suddenly he out of no where accidentally cut him self on the tip of his finger.
"Oh shit" he said immediately, as his blood started dripping onto the desk.
I took a wet wipe out of my backpack and gave it to him.

"You should clean it, Robin, god knows what has been inside of that frog, I don't think you'd want like a frog disease" I laughed.

I also handed him a band-aid.
As he opened the band aid he looked at me in confusion.
"Really, Y/n?" He said as he showed me the bandaid, revealing a Disney princess band aid.
"Yeaa.. about that, those were originally meant for Juniper" I said as I chuckled and took his hand and put it on him.

"That band-aid looks cute on you Robin"

«shut up y/n» he says rolling his eyes while his cheeks flush a little pink.

The school bell rang out for the last time that day, me, Finn and Robin walked out to meet Gwen.
On our way back home to my place, I called my mom since I completely forgot before school.

Blood ~ Robin Arellano x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now