one - Home sweet home

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Y/n Blake

This February, my father had a heart attack and sadly died, my whole family was devastated. My little sister Juniper, didn't really understand what had happened to him. She'll understand one day, but today isn't the right day.

After being depressed due to the loss of my father, my mom decided that it was time to move back to her home town in Denver.

(I'm not American don't judge if anything is wrong lolsies)

After the very long car ride we finally arrived to our new house. It had two stories surprisingly. It was pretty old and in a not so perfect condition, but it didn't matter.

I stepped out of the car to help my little sister out of the car, as well I carried one of my many boxes up to my assigned room.

After some hours we had settled in a little more, I had gotten up my bed, vanity and my nightstand and also packed out all of my clothes, and mostly of my stuff.

My mom called on me for me to come downstairs, I was greeted by Gwen as she ran to me and hopped up for a hug.
"Heyy, Gwen!!" I said happily as I put her down again.
"Y/n I have missed you so much" she said in a smile.
"I have missed you too!" I said smiling back at her.
"Y/n?" I heard a known voice say in distance.
As I walked into the hallway I hugged the boy.
"Wow you've grown, Finn, you used to be shorter than me" I teased.
"Oh shut up y/n" he said jokingly.
Finns father came up behind him.
"Hi uncle Terrence"
"Hi kiddo" he said as he messed up my hair.

(Btw he isn't like he is in the movie, he's going to be nice and cool yk💪🏻)

My mom and Terrence went to talk in the living room, me and Finn went up in my room, as Gwen went to play with juniper even though Juniper is 4.

It started to get late so Finn, Gwen and Terrence went home.
(They live right over the street)

"Maybe it won't be so bad here after all, huh, y/n?" My mom said as she pulled me into a hug.
"And by the way, y/n could you put Juniper to bed?"
"Sure mom, but you owe me one" I said giggling to her, as she did the same.

I hugged my mom goodnight as I went up to Juniper to tuck her in.
I kissed Juniper on the head when I finished reading her a bed time story.

I got ready for bed as I listened to music.
(Let's just pretend it wasn't 1978 so we have phones and all lolsie 😭)

I woke up to this annoying ass noise stinging in my ears. Surprise! It was my alarm. I put on my dark blue cargo jeans with a beige graphic tee, as I sat down at my vanity to do my makeup.

I walked with Gwen and Finney to school, I was kinda nervous but happily Finn was in the same grade as me, and hopefully we had some classes together.

We came into the schoolyard and there was a fight going on, Gwen took my hand and pulled me through the crowd to see what was happening.

"Get him robin!" Gwen cheered for one of the boys, I suppose was the boy with the bandana.
Robin I suppose his name was, got on top of the other boy and punched him.
Several times.
Finn pulled Me and Gwen back.
As I turned around this Robin boy got up and looked at me.
I looked at him as we caught eye contact.

Me and Finn had home room together, thank god.
The teacher made me introduce myself.

"Uhm, Hi I'm Y/n Blake"  I said as I looked around in the classroom.
"So y/n tell me, why did you move here?"
I scrunched my nose,
"Well, my mom was born and raised here, and uh now she wanted to move back"
*what a nosy teacher* I thought to my self.
I said as I once again saw that Robin boy, his head tilted to the side, looking up at me.

"Wow that's great! Well y/n you can take a seat beside Robin! Robin raise your hand so y/n can see you"
I walked awkwardly to the seat and sat down.
Finn sat in front of me, so he turned his head back to me and smiles to me.

"You know Finn?" Robin asked me.
"Yea, he's my cousin" I slightly smiled at him.
"Cool, Finn's cool" he said smiling back at me.

The bell rang*

"If you want I can show you to you second period?" Robin asked me, and I thanked him yes as I gave him my time schedule.

"Science. We have second, fourth and sixth period together" he said as he smiled slightly at me.
He handed me back my schedule, I noticed his knuckles were bleeding.
"Oh shit, you should really get that cleaned up" I said as I looked into his brown eyes.
" I have bandages in my backpack, if you want me to help you?" I said as finney walked to us.
"I think I'm fine" he said looking down at his hand.
"Robin just let her do it, I've seen her take care of wounds and stuff before" Finn said convincingly.
"Well okay then" Robin said.

I went with them into the boys bathroom.
Robin pulled himself up on one of the sinks as I got a wet paper towel to rinse the blood off.
"Okay this is gonna sting a little" I warned him before putting disinfection liquid (I don't remember what it's called😭) onto his wound.

I saw him closing his eyes and scrunching his nose in pain.
"Sorry" I said in an apologetic voice.

I held his hand up as I put the bandage around his knuckles.
As I looked up I saw his cheeks flush a little pink, but I just ignored it.

"Aaand, there you go Robin" I smiled at him.
"Thank you, hermosa" he said winking at me.
(Btw y/n's father was Spanish so you knew what it meant, and no I'm not Spanish my self I just had a little Spanish in school)

I heard finney laugh at us.
"Oh shut up Finn" I said as I smacked him in the back of the head.
We walked out laughing all three of us.

At the end of the day, me , Gwen, Finn and Robin walked home together, and surprisingly Robin's house was right by Finn and Gwenny's house.

We stopped in front of Finn's house to say goodbye to Finn and Gwen.
I was about to head back home but Robins hand grabbed my wrist and causing me to pause and turn back at him.

He took from a pen from his pocket and took my hand.

"Here's my number, call me sometime" he said as he wrote his number on my hand. I looked at the oddly attractive boy as our eyes met.
"I will, thank you Robin" I said smiling to him.
He took my hand and kissed it.
My face flushed red.
He waved me goodbye. And I ran over the street and looking forward to tell mom about this, since she loves hearing about my gossip.

How did we like this one so far?? Let me know if I made some grammar mistakes or something! And I would really appreciate it if you guys would comment and stuff!! 

Sincerely, Pernille !!

Blood ~ Robin Arellano x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now