chapter 32

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Beths pov:
I walked into my apartment and chucked my keys on the kitchen counter, I needed to talk to Chloe.
"Hey girl" Chloe beamed as she answered the phone "hey chlo" I replied "sooo how did the weekend go" I could tell she was dying for some drama. "I messed up, really badly Chloe" I rubbed my hand over my face and sighed "what happened?"
"I slept with Hardin"
"No. fucking. way, how was it?"
"Chloe!" I shouted down the phone. "I'm sorry, how did it happen?" She asked "well we went to the club, we both had a few drinks and one thing led to another and it just happened" I waited a second for her to reply "damn"
"That's real helpful, thanks" I sighed "how are things with you two now" "well awkward he wants to talk but I'd rather just act like it never happened" I remarked.
"I think you should just talk to him, you see him 5 days a week beth it's not like you can just avoid him and ignore the fact that it happened" Chloe implied. "I could" I shrugged
"Alright I'll talk to him" I gave in "but seriously was it good" she questioned "Chloe!" she didn't reply clearly waiting for an answer "it was- fine"
"Fine. That's it" she replied not impressed with my answer "okay it was good now can we stop talking about this" I said trying to shut the conversation down "yeah, I gotta go now anyways. I have a date" Chloe exclaimed "with the carpenter guy" I asked "mhm, I really think I like this guy Beth" her voice sounded joyful as she spoke "well I'm happy for you, I hope you have a great time"
"Thanks Beth, tell me how things go with Hardin" "I will" I said before hanging up the phone. I went and changed into some comfy pyjamas and walked to the freezer and grabbed a tub of ice cream then sat on my couch and turned on friends, it had been a long weekend.
I woke up to a half eaten tub of melted ice cream beside me, I reached for my phone 8am. "Shit" i scurried of the couch to get ready for work "shit shit shit!" I said to myself as I pulled my skirt on. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and washed my face. there was no time to put makeup on so I called an Uber and headed out the door.
"Thank you" I said to the Uber driver before trying to run into the building, it wasn't a good idea to wear heels today. I tried fixing my hair in the elevator before the doors opened and I headed for my office "Beth" I heard a familiar voice call out my name behind me. "Mr Scott" I turned around to see his smug face "your over an hour late" he stated "yeah I'm sorry I overslept it won't happen again" he looked at me for a moment "rough weekend" this son of a bitch "you could say so, now is that all" I asked "mhm" he said looking me up and down. I turned around and started to walk away "oh, Beth" the same voice spoke "mhm" I turned to face him from a distance "your blouse is inside out" I looked down to my blouse before looking back to see a smirk plastered on his face. I gave him a sarcastic smile before walking to my office, I strongly dislike that man.

I shut the door of my office and tried taking of my blouse but as I pulled it over me head one of the buttons got caught in my hair. fuck, I thought as I tried untangling it but the more I tried the more I felt it becoming more tangled. There was a knock at my office door, "one minute" I said, shit. I practically ripped my hair out of the blouse and put it back on the right way this time, "come in" i fixed some of the buttons on my blouse as I spoke. To my surprise Hardin walked through the door "you look a bit flustered" he said shutting the door "no I don't" I replied arrogantly trying to fix my hair as he was turned around "here" he put  a coffee down on my desk "thank you" I took a sip, I really needed that. We sat in awkward silence for a moment "is that all" I asked, he looked around my office before looking at me, "yes"
I knew he wanted to talk about what happened and I knew I needed to talk to him about it. He reached for the door handle "Hardin"
he turned around his hand still on the door knob but waited for me to speak "can we talk, after work" I asked "yeah" he said before walking out the door, god I'm so nervous

I locked my office door before walking over to hardins. I hesitated before knocking "come in" his deep voice spoke and I opened the door "you ready" I asked him "yeah" he said grabbing the keys to his office door and walking out "so where did you wanna talk" he asked as we got in his car "my place?" I questioned "your inviting me to your place?" He seemed surprised "yes?" I gave him the same tone back "you'll have to put it in the gps" he said pulling out of the parking lot, I put my apartment in the gps and he started to drive. Neither of us started conversation but it didn't feel awkward, it felt , almost comfortable. I looked over at him, he had a beautiful side profile, he turned over to look at me and I turned my face to the window. I could feel his eyes burning into me, I turned back to look at him when I saw his gaze on my legs, I quickly pulled down my skirt as it was riding up my thighs and I saw his face grin as he looked back to the road, why did he have to be so hot.

we arrived at my apartment and I unlocked the door to let him in, "nice place" he said looking around "it's temporary" I said putting my jacket on a chair. He sat down on my couch "would you like something to drink" I asked "just water thanks" I poured him a glass of water before handing him it and joining him on the couch. He took a sip and put the class on the coffee table in front of him, "so" I tried starting the conversation "you know how I feel about you Beth, you know that I want to be with you and no one but you" he paused "tell me you don't feel the same about me"
"Hardin" I sighed looking at him "you want this to Beth you just won't admit it to yourself" he stood up from the couch and went and leaned against the kitchen counter "we don't work Hardin, we would argue and fight and disagree, we can't even have a conversation without it turning into an argument"
"All couples fight Beth, we would make it work I know we could"
I didn't reply 
"Why can't you just tell me the truth Beth" his tone was a lot calmer than it was before "I am telling you the truth" was I?
He walked to the door, "Hardin don't go" I said getting up from my seat "why shouldn't I Beth, so you can just keep telling me that it's never gonna happen even though you are constantly giving me mixed signals and leading me on"
"Leading you on, are you kidding me" 
"Yes leading me on Beth, you had sex with me for fucks sake" he said walking closer to me
"We were drunk"
"Oh so you'd go have sex with any of your exes if you were drunk"
"No but"
"Exactly Beth, there was feelings there and you know it"
"You know what yeah there was feelings, but it doesn't matter coz it was a mistake"
He didn't say anything
"Talk to me when your ready to admit how you really feel" he said before walking out of the door.

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