Chapter 13

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"So, how was last night?" I asked Hardin as he walked into the kitchen at 12:36 in the afternoon. "It was good" , "good to hear" I said bluntly walking over to the sink. "What's wrong" Hardin said walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist "nothing" I replied grabbing a glass out of the cupboard and filling it with water, I took a sip and put it back on the counter but suddenly Hardin flipped me around so I was facing him.
"What's wrong" he said staring into my eyes "I said nothing" in an annoyed tone "well there clearly is" he said lifting his hands of the sides of the counter releasing me. "You told me you loved me Hardin, and then the next day you acted like it never happened and went to a party got so fuckin drunk and turned up here at like 3:30 in the morning" I said with a raised voice. "That's what's wrong" I said as I walked back into the bedroom.
"Beth.." he sighed walking into the bedroom "I'm going for a walk" I said taking my keys of the bedside table, I walked out of the room past Hardin but before I could leave he grabbed my wrist and pulled me against the wall "can we just talk about this" he said looking into my eyes. I stared at him for a second before pulling his hand of me and walking out the door.
god he confuses the shit out of me sometimes I said in my head as I walked along the street path, I pulled out my phone and called dylan.
"hey" I said on the phone "hey" he replied "so why'd you call "can you come pick me up, I just had an argument with Hardin and I don't wanna be in the house plus I have no where to go" "yeah sure" he replied instantly "just send me your location and I'll get you" "thanks Dylan I'll see you soon"

Once Dylan picked me up we stopped at a gas station and he went into the store, I looked to my phone to see multiple missed calls and texts from Hardin so I decide to call him and tell him where I am. "What do you want Hardin" "is it such a crime to want to know where your girlfriend is now" "I'm out with a friend, I'll be back later" I said before hanging up the phone.

"You ok" Dylan said getting back into the car "yeah I'm fine let's just get going" I said before putting my phone down on my lap.

*hi guys I know this is a short chapter but I just wanted to come on and explain why I haven't wrote in a long time. My mental health hasn't been at it's greatest recently so I wanted to take a break to try and focus on myself but know I'm feeling much better. I'll be trying to post as much as I can as I have school but comment some ideas about what you want included in the story, thank you ❤️*

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