Chapter 12

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I woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon and decided to run myself a bath, Hardin was still asleep so I had to creep out of bed so I wouldn't wake him.
Once my bath had been run I closed the bathroom door and chucked my hair up into a bun seen as though I'd already washed my hair today. Once I got in all I could think about was last night and Hardin telling me he loved me. We'd never talked about it this morning and I was started to think that Hardin had forgot he even said it but I didn't want to bring it up because I thought it would be to awkward.
"Beth" I hear Hardin shout my name from the bedroom, "I'm in the bath" I shout back. I see the door open and Hardin walks in the room "without me?" He asked grinning. "Can I not have a bath in peace" I ask "" he replies as I smile. "Anyways I'm heading out" he said walking over to the bath and kissing my head softly. "Where are you going?" I ask trying not to sound overprotective "just to a party with everyone" "okay well text me when your there and when your coming home" I reply as Hardin makes his way to the door "I will" he says as he leaves the room. I hear the door shut behind him and sigh.
After a few minutes I get out of the bath and wrap a towel around my body and make my way back into the bedroom. I decide to text Dylan and see what he's up to seen as though I have no plans for the night and Becca will be at the party with Hardin.

me: hey Dylan, wanted to text you to see if you had any plans for tonight.

Dylan: not that I know of, why do you ask?

me: well I was wondering if you would want to hang out?

Dylan: sure, send me your address and I'll pick you up in an hour.

I sent Dylan the address and started to look through my closet and to find something to wear.

I end up deciding on straightening my long brown hair and wearing some black ripped jeans and fishnets with a black crop top and an oversized denim jacket with my black doctor martins

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I end up deciding on straightening my long brown hair and wearing some black ripped jeans and fishnets with a black crop top and an oversized denim jacket with my black doctor martins.

Dylan: I'm here

me: I'm leaving now

I grabbed my keys of my bedside table and shut the door after me and lock it.

"Hey" I say to Dylan as I start to fasten my seatbelt, "hey, so this is yours and hardins place?" He asked "yeah, how did you know we lived together" I reply confused "news spreads quick" he laughed "well anyways, where are we going?" I ask "well I was thinking we go get some food from a diner and then...I dunno" he laughed "sounds good" I reply

Once me and Dylan sit down at a table we start chatting, he's actually a pretty cool guy and he's really funny. "So, tell me something about you Elizabeth brookes" Dylan said to me taking a sip of his Diet Coke while I drank my chocolate milkshake "well there's not much to know, I love to write and read especially poetry but I'm not the best at writing it" I laughed stirring my chocolate milkshake around the glass with my straw. "What's your favourite piece?" He asked "it's more a quote then poetry but, you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can't start where you are and finish the ending". a few hours later I check my phone to see that it's 9:30 and we're close enough to being the only people in the diner "I best get going" I said to Dylan as I put my phone down "let me take you home" he said getting out of his seat "you don't have t- "I want to, now let's go before we get kicked out" he laughed.
After talking in the car to Dylan all the way back he parked up in my driveway "well this is me" I smiled unbuckling my seat belt, I enjoyed tonight" I said as I looked over at Dylan "me too" he said "I'll see you later then" "yeah" he replied.
I walked over to my door and unlocked it to see that Hardin wasn't home yet it was only 9:45 though so I went into my bedroom and got changed into my pyjamas. I did enjoy tonight Dylan was easy to talk to but he was the complete opposite of Hardin. Enough talking about Dylan.
I go and sit on the couch in front of the living room and check my phone, still no text from Hardin so I pulled out a book and started to read. After an hour or so I check my phone to see the time 12:23am I was very tired so I text Hardin and told him to try to not be so loud when he came in because I was sleeping. I waited for a few minutes but he didn't text me back so I just got into bed and tried to get to sleep.
3:30 am, I wake up in the middle of the night and roll over to my side to see Hardin is still not here, I toss and turn in my bed for around 15 minutes but I still can't sleep so I decided to go get myself a glass of water from the kitchen. I drag myself out of bed, walk into my kitchen and start to poor myself some water.
"Fuck" I hear someone shout which startles me making me splash the water all over my hand. I turn around to see Hardin. Drunk. "What the fuck Hardin!" I shout "you scared the shit out of me." "I'm sorry baby" he says trying to walk in a straight line to me but failing miserably. He leans over to kiss me but I dodge it "you reek of alcohol" I say facing the opposite direction to him. "So" he says trying to kiss me again "so I'm not kissing you and you need to go to bed" "your so boring" he says with his arm wrapped around my neck while mine was around his waist struggling to take him to bed.
Once we get into the bedroom I push Hardin onto the bed "you need to get changed" I told him "you change me" "what?" I said starting to get angry because I just wanted to sleep. "You change me" he continued. I sat on the bed next to Hardin and started to undress him, god he was so hot. "Go to sleep now" I said getting under the covers.

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