How many times must I say it?

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"It's Neverland." A new voice said, a young adult man. "Not Hamlin."

Piper sighed. "That's Dabi. I fished him out of a puddle almost a decade ago and he's been a Hamlin kid since. Nowadays he spends his time as a live-in nanny."

"Fuck you, man."

"He doesn't want you here but that's because his dad's a pro. He likes the Underground Heroes though."

"Only reason I haven't set him on fire yet."

"No setting anyone on fire." Piper countered. "This way."

Wherever Dabi was holed up, it was a good spot. Aizawa couldn't find him, voice bouncing around the chamber, even as Piper ushered him through another hidden entrance.

Inside were dozens of kids, although the space was set up for at least 4 times the number of people here.
Most were sleeping, hidden away in sectioned off areas or curled up with other people while the oldest among them walked around, some speaking softly by a small fire while another typed on a laptop, looking like he would rather be doing anything else.
"You actually found him."

Aizawa looked over to where a purple haired kid, maybe 10 or so, was sitting at a table.

"Shouldn't you be in bed? Pretty sure you have school tommorow." Piper countered.

"Insomina's a bitch. I would have jumped in the circle by now if I didn't have to wait for your late ass."

"That's fair. Oh before you ask, we made an agreement  No mind control or zip ties needed."

The boy breathed a sigh of relief as Aizawa wondered exactly what kind of quirk Piper had.

"Come on. She's over here. " Piper said. "You, go sleep."

"Fine." The boy said, wandering over to his own sleeping section.

Aizawa tried to memorize as many faces as he could as he passed countless sleeping forms, ready to go through the missing kids database as soon as he could. There were just so many. At least they all looked well fed and healthy with good clothes and beds. Neverland looked more like a warehouse turned well funded kids shelter then a homeless camp, even if cardboard and plywood had been used liberally to separate sleeping areas. It looked more like something the kids had built and Piper or one of the "nannies" reinforced to make sure it was safe.

"Aoi. Fumi." Piper said in greeting.

In the corner of the main space was a bundle of blankets, stuffed animals and pillows with several chalk circles at five foot intervals drawn around her. An older girl with a jackal Mutation sitting just outside the 4th line, a makeshift harness tied around her waist and the end of the rope well away from the circles.

"It grew to 20 feet while you were gone." The girl said. "Ren pulled me out."

Piper nodded and knelt down. "Hey, Fumi. How are you holding up?"

"Tired." Came a small voice. A little kid, maybe a 3rd grader, emerged from the bedding, deep bags under her eyes and looking even worse then Aizawa did on bad days.

"I got someone to come help you." Piper said. "He can turn off quirks just by looking at you. Is that okay?"

Fumi looked Aizawa up and down as the pro knelt carefully just outside the 4th chalk line. "Who are you?"

"I'm Aizawa Shouta." Aizawa said, getting the idea she wouldn't be too happy knowing he was a Pro from the many wary looks he had gotten from anyone over the age of 10.

"And you can help?"

"I can."

Fumi hesitated and it hurt to see just how much distrust there was. Was it because he was an adult? Or because he was a stranger? Either way, kids her age shouldn't be this wary.
"Nii-san likes you, so okay."

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