The finals

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Lyla Mitchell's POV

it's the finals, this game determines the winner of the playoffs and the champions of this years pee wee teams. The ducks are up against the hawks, which could be the game of the year for everyone everywhere.


We stood in a line, glaring at the team beside us. The hawks were almost double our size, but that didn't stop us from glaring daggers at the team. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and the air was filed with silent rage by both teams.

Growls, scoffs, and snarky remarks could be heard between each player of both sides, and I was ready to absolutely destroy these pigs. McGill and I had a stare off, occasionally sticking out our tongues or hitting our fists in our hands. McGill suddenly pointed to his right shoulder, and pretended to punch it. He then pointed to my bad shoulder, and laughed. To say I was slightly intimidated and nervous now was an understatement. How did he know about my shoulder?

I tried to shrug it off and continued to stare at the large American flag standing before us as the anthem was seeing sung, but the feeling never left. I gulped silently.

Banks and Larson were having their own staring battle, as Adam looked him up and down and and turned to me, smirking. I chuckled and looked at Larson, and I glared at him to, awaiting for a time where I could body check him into the boards.

The anthem ended and cheering from the stands erupted as both teams skated towards their respected bench.

"Welcome to the Minnesota State pee wee championship. Have we got a game for you today." The announcer exclaimed as both teams huddled together.

"The hawks, coached by Jack Reilly." The announcer said as the fans on the hawks side erupted in cheers of 'win!'. I looked over to see Reilly pumping up my once-teammates with the same old win chant used in the stands. They all started cheering loudly as the people in the stands mimicked their excitement.

I turned back to here Bombay talking to the huddled up ducks.

"Ducks, let's fire it up!" Bombay said as we all started chanting 'quack'. I was still getting used to this form of chanting but I started to embrace it, chanting louder each time the word left my mouth. Soon the people on our side of the stands started quacking as well, clapping and stomping their feat to the chants rhythm.

"Quack! Quack! Quack! Gooo ducks!" We all cheered, getting us very fired up for the game ahead. Cheers erupted everywhere in the stands and I couldn't help but smile at all the supporters whom come to see the underdogs of hockey get a chance to win. Even if it was a small chance, I was gonna take it.

Me and Adam were skating to the centre of the ice when Jesse stopped us by the bench.

"Yo, banks and Mitch." He said as we turned to look at him. "Don't forget what side your on." I just rolled my eyes and said "yeah, yeah." As I took my spot at centre ice right across from McGill. He glared at my in disgust as I glared back.

The puck dropped as we fought for it. I won the face off, pushing McGill to the ground and tried skating forward, only to be levelled hard by Larson, right on my right shoulder. I cringed in pain but quickly got up as the hawks took the puck down to our end.

"And the game is underway, with a heavy check from Larson to Mitchell. That gives you an indication of what your going to see tonight."

I could here Reilly yell from the bench at his team.

"Good hit! That's the way I want you guys to play it!" He exclaimed with excitement. I really wanted to punch him right now.

I quickly skated back in our zone, body checking people in my way. I swooped in on the hawk with the puck and took it, heading back to the other end with Adam by my side.

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