The Ducks

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Lyla Mitchell's POV

I walked in to science class, wanting nothing but to sleep. Unfortunately for me, basically the whole ducks team were also in my class. I decided to not talk at all, and try to stay out of my usual trouble. I walked over to my seat, which was at the back corner of the room, thank god. I sat down and pulled out my Walkman to listen to green day and radio head, as I stared out the window. Some kids were laughing about something the teacher said when there was a knock on the door.

"It's the principal. I'll be right back. "Mr Bradley explained. "Work on H2 CO3. It's a goody."

Yeah, I will not be doing that. I thought. I've never been one to do any work in class, mostly because I think school is stupid. Like, why don't they teach hockey in gym instead of dancing? It's a shame, really. And I'm top of my class anyways, ahead of Charlie, who was second as I always had higher marks than him. He despised me for that, too, along with everything else about me. Plus, It's easier to just read the text book then wait for an old crusty man to explain it.

I peacefully scribbled on a peace of paper when I caught someone staring at me. Or rather, staring at my hair. I just shrugged it off, wanting to doze off instead. But the eyes never left. I got annoyed to the point where I spoke up.

"Need something?" I say in an annoyed tone.

"Has anyone told you how weird you look?" Charlie asks, smirking.

"Bite me." I say harshly before turning back around. So much for laying low. I thought. the teacher was still out with the principal as Karp spoke up.

"How'd the forfeit go, spazway?" He asked while smirking.

"Yeah, did you score?" A kid named Peter backed up. I chuckled lighting.

"Leave me alone, guys. I don't wanna talk about it." He said in a tired voice.

"Oh, yeah, sure. Coach's pet." Peter retorted. "Everybody knows he likes you best." I smirk as I received another name to call Conway. I look over at the conversation, slightly intrigued.

"Likes his mom, you mean." Karp laughs out. What's up with peoples moms getting pulled into fights? Charlie suddenly got up, noticeably irritated as he threw his desk down. I jumped, surprised by the sudden outburst.

"Take it back, Karp!" He snaps as they start pushing each other. Connie got up and pushed Karp away as I smiled at her strength. Peter shoved Connie which turned into a full on brawl with the whole class— except me. I simply put my head down and waited for the fight to end. Soon things were getting thrown around, and a plastic atom hit me in the head. Alright that's it I thought as I picked it up and threw it back into the fight. I threw it with force as I saw it sore through the air and hit— Conway. He immediately stopped pushing people and looked around to see who hit him. I put my hand over my mouth as I laughed at the direct hit. He obviously knew I threw it because of my muffled laughs, and walked over and shoved me into the wall. I winced at the impact as my shoulder blade hit the edge of the windowsill. I quickly stood up with pain still shooting up my arm. We are face to face now as he spoke.

"What was that for, idiot?" He said in anger, referencing to the head shot of a toy atom.

"I don't know, I just felt like doing that, coaches pet." I say as I mimic his anger. I suddenly saw his hand come up, looking like he was about to hit me. I flinched waiting for impact, but it never came. He just took a deep breath as I looked back up at him, and walked away, back to the fight. Was he really about to hit me? I wondered. What was wrong with him?!

Suddenly the teacher walked in, witnessing the crime scene of atoms and children fighting like animals. I swear I saw his hairline recede as he noticed his precious atoms laying on the ground.

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