Game day

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Lyla Mitchell's POV

The whistled blew and I stole the puck, pushing down Guy in the process. I passed to banks and follow him down to district 5's zone, as they were falling left and right. Banks passed it to me and I skated up to the goalie, Goldberg. Instead of protecting the net he just fell, leaving me with an open net. I shot it in, making the first goal of the game.

The buzzer went off as I celebrated with my teammates. I saw Jesse skating to the bench, and I decided to have a little fun.

"That's one." I said as I knocked off his helmet. Me and McGill laughed and went to the bench while Jesse was being restrained by the ref.

"Good shot, sloppy pass." Coach Reilly said as we got on the bench. "Way to stuff it, Lyla!" I took a sip of my water and looked over to Adam.

"So far I'm winning banksie." I said jokingly.

"We'll see about that." He returns. I smile and look back at the game.

"All right, all right! Let's run it up! Run it up! Run it up!" Coach Reilly exclaims. He's never been this riled up before. I suspect it has something to do with district 5's new coach, who looks like he doesn't want to be here at all.

I watch as Adam scored another goal easily and I cheered. I heard Goldberg yelling at his teammate after he dropped his gloves and stick.

"Oh, man! How could you let them get by you?" He said annoyed. I personally think it wasn't the defences fault, but his own fault for being scared of the puck.

Soon it was 5-0 with me scoring 3 goals and Adam 2. We won the face off and started skating to there end. I see McGill and king body a district 5 player, and I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for them.

Larson scored making it 8-0 as me and Adam jump on the ice. I could here the crowd chanting mine and Adam's names as we skated to district 5's zone. We smoothly knocked down the players and we had a 2 on 0 breakaway. We did our signature move where I faked, then sent it to Adam who quickly sent it back to me as I shot it bar down. We slapped our sticks together which was our little thing, and skated off the ice.

It was now 10-0 for us while coach told us to fix some things. I glanced over to district 5's bench to see their coach losing it on them. He looked red as a tomato! I look over a bit to see Charlie with a big frown on his face, looking like he was about to cry. I chuckled and soon remembered me and Adam's deal we made yesterday. I smiled smugly as Charlie looked over to me. He put his thumb to his neck and slide it to the other side, supposingly being a threat. I just laugh it off and turned around to listen to coach.

Charlie somehow managed to get the puck out and on a break away while we chased after him. I wasn't skating my fastest, because I knew he would screw it up.

"Don't mess up spazway!" I taunted from behind him. He shot me a dirty look then continued skating to our end. As he was nearing our goal he attempted to shoot, but missed the puck as all his momentum went on the swing, causing him to fall over. If I wasn't on the ice when it happened I would've laughed my ass off, but I still stifled a laugh as I skate to Charlie.

He crashed into the boards, and as he was getting up, I new it was my chance. Just as he steadied his feet I cross checked him into the boards as hard as I could. He immediately fell back down, wincing at the pain. I just stared at him and slowly crouched down.

"Don't put all you're strength into the swing, even it out through your body." I whispered. He looked confused then pushed me aside, skating to his bench.

I knew I shouldn't of helped him, but it was staring to get pathetic. I skated to our bench as coach Reilly was praising me.

"Hey, hey! Way to play it Mitchy! All right!" He exclaims excitedly. I smile and looked over to Adam. "Looks like I kept my promise." I said. Adam just laughed.

Icebreaker (1) -Charlie ConwayWhere stories live. Discover now