Cradles 8

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Cradles 8

A fourth night after the drama at Peng's apartment. The Man Power Cartel had resumed the street a night before. Lobos' depleted workforce was grinding away with packs of drugs, some in cans others in packets of popular products. In the world of drugs, TBC usually says, "the packet is not a problem but the content," Pengman tells Rina, packaging the drug pack for Lobos.

"So when are you gonna get on with the money chase, hmm," Rina asked, "Already in session and as I said, you shouldn't be worried about any of this. You won't be involved anyway," Peng replied

"I know but I'm the only one you can trust," she pulled him from behind the truck. Peng turns around wearing a worrisome look, "focus, we still have over 100 packs left to fix before an hour,"

"That's not good, the odds are not on our side this time. We won't get to finish,"

"The odds are never on our side," If you haven't seen that yet, then you haven't been watching. Look through the side mirror and spot the big head standing beside the door.

"Are you serious?" Rina says, "you want to steal from Lobos. You're always the cause of our problem,"

"Just look ok, and shut up…" Peng commands, "ok, big dog," Rina settles beside the other front seat, tips her face and shoots the big chest man, "he has turned away. Now,"

"Good girl," Peng wearing his bum bag, slides in a couple of raps, "that'll do,"

"And that'll be the last time I'll watch for you to steal,"

"I'm doing this for us," Peng says

"I don't care. I can take care of myself without your help,"

"You shouldn't be this foolish, there's no money, the rent expires in 2 weeks and Lobos pays in 3. What do you want me to do?...get a nine to five job,"

"Thought you said there was enough money to cover for six months,"

"I was lying, ok. I don't have a skill and no one would offer me a job,"

"I want you to be the man you always was,"

"That man is dead and won't resurrect, so stop being optimistic,"

Rina pauses the packaging for a second, "I hate being the senior sister to my senior brother. I hope you understand,"

"I'm the one with the responsibilities, I'm the one that takes good care of you, the little high school girl, remember," Peng looks Rina full in the face, "don't bother anyway,". Both sat almost half an hour without saying a word to each other, "I'm left with 15 raps, what about you" Rina says

"46 or thereabout, how come you tied yours at a faster pace for the first time,"

"Focus, remember,"

"Someone is finally learning," Peng taps Rina on the leg, "we will get through this," he pulls her leg even more, and Rina smiles. Lobos on his jacket as usual pulls one part of the ambulance truck, "why the delay," he says

Peng replied, "we need more hands,"

"Funny, but there won't be more hands. I have just six remaining men and they're all on the streets,"

"Well I see one remaining hand standing in front of me," Rina moves her eyes through Lobos and Peng,

"I'm your boss, forgotten so soon or you need some reminder,"

"You can also be a worker of your own, what do you say?"

Lobos turns around and looks at Peng. Peng giggles and shrugs, "fuck shit," Lobos jumps into the truck and finds his space, "where do you want me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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