Cradles 2

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"Lobos Walker, runs one of the biggest drug empires in California, hides in a butcher shop. Arrested thrice for a parking ticket, served in the Fox River prison two years for burglary," Tencredi says, closing his file and slams on the iron table. Lobos seats hands on his laps, chest out, with a cup of coffee on the table.

"Someone is quite familiar with the proceedings of going to prison,"

"I didn't commit any crime,"

"Oh we should go to court, because videos and pictures say you are a drug dealer," Lobos kept quiet scratching his back, "that's what I thought. So tell me, what do you know about the other four gangs that runs the street of California that I don't, huh"

"I'm not telling you a thing,"

"Then you got yourself 25 years. Don't worry I'll come visiting, once, once,"

"You don't understand what we're doing here, the magnitude of good it's bringing to the society,"

"Funny cocaine has any good other than making the society unsafe for all of us," Tencredi says, "You know your friend IC ran away with one truck. He's smart,"

"Who sold me out, hmm, which of my men sold me out,"

"Let's just say our sources gave us a legit information and we acted accordingly,"

"Pengman, he sold me out,"

"You see, he did the right thing and he's safe. You can be too,"

"How can you assure that?"

"Let's assume you get to tell us all you know about the other four empires. Then the 25 years will be cleared. Well, you have just 6 months probation and that's all," Lobos takes a deep breath, "you can do it, we're very close to letting you get back to your family. Your boy? Red door, black hair...I hear the motherless does a good job"

"Don't you talk about him,"

"If you want me to keep quiet start saying something I want to hear,"

"...I always had this deal with ManPower and his men anytime I'm being arrested. I'll break out on the way to wherever they're taking me to. Since he didn't show up on my way here, my best guess is he'll show up on my way to the prison,"

"This Man Power empire never heard of their crime,"

"They run low key, sell drugs to college boys, shop owners. They're the retailers, but be careful the have the guns and the equipments to pull off whatever the want to,"

"Let me handle the guns you handle how we will get the other four,"


Deep in the woods of California, a well furnitured duplex sits in its middle. The Man Power empire is one of the smallest but secretive empires in California. They run small businesses but in a big way. One of his soldiers, Shawn, dark, tall, second in command walks into the sitting room, "Boss, Lobos is in trouble, he has been taken by the Feds, we need to act now,"

"We won't be saving Lobos today. Our sources in the Feds just whispered he betrayed us, sold us out to the Feds,"

"We had a deal; his drugs for our protection,"

"Don't you get it, NYPD is on our ass, any wrong move we all go down,"


"Send the code, get all our men off the streets. If Lobos can tell them that, he can tell them everything,"


"Send the code Shawn, don't ask me shit,"

Shawn trots out his phone, press a few tabs and sends, '33¥', "done,"

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