My light.

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~Dedicated to tsukixx~
~Requested by tsukixx~

Btw skip like the first 45 seconds of the song,it's all just guitar strumming.= w =
The song is also instrumental,so yea:3
& read slow or at your own pace , the song is like 4-5 min. Unless ya don't care._.

Warning: Some feels. Ya know what I mean if ya look at the pic.


(Name) was at the hospital visiting Juuzou. She brought snacks with her this time in hopes of somewhat cheering him up.

She makes her way to his room & turns the knob. Smiling as she enters,"Hello,Juuzou-kun."

Juuzou looks up at her with dull eyes,"Hey..."

(Name) lifts up the bag,"I brought snacks you might like.

"Just place them over here, I'll eat them later." He gesters to the table next to his bed.

She does as she is told,"Okay." She fiddles her fingers,"Um..."

Juuzou stares at her as she tries to say something. He sighs,"I'm sorry."

(Name) looks up at him surprised,"Wha-"

"About sulking around you. I know you don't like seeing me like this, I just can't help it..." Juuzou continues to look down at his lap.

(Name) comes closer to him & sits next to him. She looks down at him & beams,"Let's go out for a stroll. I'll push you on a wheelchair."

Juuzou's eyes light up slightly, even if it was a tiny spark it made (Name) happy to know he's excited.

He nods his head,"Sure!" The corners of his lips curving up.


After getting Juuzou dressed properly & out if his hospital gown, the two go to the zoo.

(Name) pushes Juuzou's wheelchair while he looks in awe at the animals. She finally stops at a bench & sits down.

"Ah it's you again!" Juuzou exclaims & points forward.

(Name) follows his hand to see him pointing at a giraffe. It was eating leaves quite peacefully.

"How do you remember it?" She asks him.

"It has a slightly different pattern than the others. I also drew it, that was fun!" Juuzou grins.

"Oh really?" She tilts her head to the side.


They sit in silence for a while until Juuzou speaks up.

"That day Shinohara-san said he'd be sad if I were to's all my fault." Juuzou mumbles.

(Name)'s eyes widen, wishing she hadn't taken him here."Juuzou...please don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault."

"Yes it is! If only I hadn't been so foolish." He shouts at her. Tears forming in the corner of his eyes, growing heavy & finally falling.

(Name) couldn't stand to see him like this any longer. She hugs him tightly,"You know he wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Shinohara cares about you Juuzou,he wanted to protect you."

Juuzou holds onto her not saying a word,but continues to sob. (Name) rubs his back,"Just let it all out. It's better not to bottle up your emotions."

As she continues to hold onto his shaking body, Juuzou whispers,"Thank you,(Name). I'm glad you're still here with me." She can tell he's smiling.

She smiles,"Me too,Juuzou."

They finally seperate. Juuzou's eyes are puffy but he now has a smile on his face. A real one.

He yawns,"I'm tired."

(Name) gets up from the bench & removes her hoodie, handing it to Juuzou,"You must be cold, take it."

Juuzou beams at her,"Thanks!"

She smiles back,"No problem, now rest Juuzou. We can eat those sweets later if you'd like."

Juuzou grins,"Yeah I would! Thanks again,(Name)."

"No problem, anything to make you happy."

Juuzou giggles,"You & Shinohara are like my light in life, only making my days brighter. I just hope it doesn't go away."

(Name) blushes a bit,"I hope it doesn't either,Juuzou."


They finally get back to the hospital. Juuzou was already asleep by the time they got there, so (Name) carried him onto his bed.

She pulls the blanket onto his body. Juuzou shifts around & opens his eyes slightly,"Oh, are we back at the hospital?"

(Name) nods her head,"Yeah, you slept on the way here. Thankfully you didn't drool." She laughs a bit.

He looks down,"Oh! I'm still wearing your hoodie, I'll give it back." He starts to remove it,but she stops him.

"No, you can keep it. I don't mind at all!" (Name) grins brightly at him.

A small tinge of pink sets on Juuzou's cheeks,"Okay, if you say so. Thanks!"

"No problem, Juuzou."

Juuzou reaches his hand towards the bag on the table. He opens it, a big smile spreads across his face.

"I love this candy! You know me so well,(Name)." He says to her happily.

"Hehe of course I do. You've lived with me for so long now." She replies to him.

"Oh right, I forgot about that. I can't wait to go back home, it gets pretty boring around here." Juuzou mumbles.

"I bet!"

(Name) & Juuzou eat the sweets until there was nothing left. Ah~ what a way to spend your day with someone you love care about.

"Aw, we ate it all...I guess you'll have to buy more~!" Juuzou exclaims.

(Name) bonks his head lightly,"Nope."

Juuzou lays his head on the pillow & shuts his eyes,"I'm going to sleep...night~"

(Name) gently strokes his hair,"Alright. Sleep well,my light~"


Welp, I hope you enjoyed this as well!^~^

Please comment, vote,or whatever if ya did! I appreciate it!:3

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