Kawaii Hipster!

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*I don't mean to offend anyone. This is just for entertainment.* o(><;)o


"I'm soo bored!" You exclaimed, stretched out across the couch.

If only Juuzou was here...
"(Name)-chan/kun! I'm home!"
My wish was answered! You thought to yourself squealing.

"Did you mis-" you jumped at him, making you both fall on the plush floor.

"Of course I did! It was so boring without you!" You whined hugging him.

This made him smile,"Haha! I missed you too,(Name)-chan/kun. By the way I brought donuts. I put them on the kitchen table if you want some."

You squeezed him even more,"You're the best, Juuzou!" He giggles.

You both go to the kitchen & grab a donut. You decided to ask him about work.

"How was work today?"

He sighed,"Amon was scolding me about not wearing the proper uniform. It doesn't bother me though."

"Hehe, well no one can blame you for having a strange fashion sense."

This angered him a little,"What do you mean 'strange'? I feel comfortable in these clothes."

You laughed,"I was just kidding. I would never say anything like that, especially about your appearance. You're too cute!"

The lightest shade of pink spread across his cheeks,"Not true! You're the cutest one in this room, no in this whole city!"

It was your turn to blush."That's sweet of you,Juuzou-kun. But you have a beautiful face & cool stitches. You also protect me whenever I'm in danger, you're so sweet!"

His blush got a bit darker,"Nu-uh! You always help me with my stitches in places I can't reach. You also helped that stray cat the other day. Your the most caring,(Name)-chan/kun!"

You both spent almost hours sitting, complementing each other. Either on looks, personality, or just random things that made both of you smile.

Until you thought of something.

"Hey Juuzou. You can almost pass as a hipster right? You just need a plaid shirt, bowtie, & shoes that aren't slippers. I mean you already have those fashionable suspenders!"

He seemed confused,"A hipster?"

You giggled at his confusion,"Just a stereotypical hipster. Here!" You passed him your glasses,"Ooh, so pretty."

You took him to the nearest mirror,so that he can take a look of himself.

He grinned,"Ooh! I should wear these more often. Though it's a bit hard to see in these..." He then ran off upstairs.

"H-Hey get back here! I can't see anything without them!" You exclaimed chasing him up the stairs.

He went into your wardrobe in search for something. He pulled out a plaid shirt & a random bow you had laying around. You would usually use it as an accessory on your hair.

You realized he was dressing as a stereotypical hipster. And he looked adorable!

You squealed for the second time,"Juuzou you look so adorable!"

"Yeah! Let's go look for Amon, I want to see his reaction!" He exclaims.

You agreed,"Mm-hm!"


"Hey hey,Amon how do I look? Can I wear this as uniform?" Juuzou pestered him.

You were laughing in the background from the look on Amon's face.

He sighed,"You know what? Just wear anything BUT this. Please..."

Juuzou just laughed at this,"Hahaha! You got it!"



"Hey, Juuzou?" You asked facing at him.


"Where'd you get the donuts?"


"I took them from Shinohara & the others. But it's fine, I'll pay them back."

"Uhh...sure you will,Juuzou." You replied sighing.


Sowwy, I hope I didn't offend anyone! \("▔□▔)/Entertainment uses only,promise!

Welp, can't wait for tomorrow's episode of Tokyo Ghoul Root A. I already know I'm gonna cry, knowing what happened in the manga...Q~Q unless they change what is gonna happen.

I still hope you enjoyed! :3

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