Happy End.

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For anime-only watchers, you'll notice the difference between what happened in the manga than what happened in the anime. It's only like one thing. But I think it's important. So yea:I

Also if you are thinking about reading the manga, please do. I soo recommend it.>:3

A bit of gore, but what did ya expect?
Please continue with caution!


The special class investigators & I were currently fighting the Owl. We all landed a hit at once,finally taking it down.

"Owl extermination...complete." Shinohara states.

Cheering was heard around the ward. I looked at Juuzou & the others smiling,"Great job,everyone!"

They all grinned. We were about to get off the building before we heard something crashing down right behind us. The force from the crash almost made me fall over. We turned around to see...

Another Owl!? This is probably the child.

I felt Shinohara grab me,preventing me from getting hit. He set me down far from Owl. Juuzou then quickly ran towards it trying to land a hit.

Unfortunately his right leg got cut off.

"Juuzou!" I panicked as I saw him fall on his side. I got up & ran towards him, Shinohara made his way to him first.

I noticed the tears running down his face. He must've felt guilty for Juuzou getting injured.

I patted his back,"Please, it's not your fault."

Juuzou raised his head,"They're right, don't worry about me. I don't feel anything. So please continue fighting."

I nodded,"Okay,but we can't have you sitting here. You might get injured further."
Shinohara agreed with me.

"It doesn't matter if I die or not. Don't worry so much about me." Juuzou says with a straight face.

This angered me,"It does matter,baka! We can't afford letting anyone else die!"

His eyes widen & he looks away from my glare,"...Sorry,(Name)."

I shook my head,"It's fine..." Now I felt awful for making him feel bad.

Shinohara got up & continues fighting. I do the same, but only lasted about a minute before I got pushed roughly against the concrete beneath me.

I felt a sharp pain go through my right leg. "GAAAAH!"
I watched as Owl eats it. Then I saw the same happen to Shinohara.

"Now.You.Match!" Owl exclaims.

"Shinohara-san!" I yelled out. Owl stabs his belly & swirls it around. He's lost too much blood...

I crawled away as fast as I could, wincing at the pain. I saw a knife fly past me...looking up I noticed Juuzou holding himself up with his scythe.

"Juuzou! What are you doing!?" I yelled at him. He didn't respond.
Instead he tried landing a hit on Owl,but continued falling.

I felt my eyes water just watching him continue fighting in his current state.
"Please...stop,Juuzou! You've reached your limit!"

Blood was dripping from his mouth,"N-never..." he fell to the ground.

I was starting to feel light headed from the blood loss. I reach my hand out to Shinohara.

"...hara-san," I fainted.


Juuzou, Shinohara & I were at a restaurant. I was eating my sundae as I looked down at Juuzou's testament.

"Are you gonna write anything?" I ask pointing at the paper in front of him.

"I don't know what to write..." Juuzou replies. He taps the pen repeatedly on the table.

Shinohara says,"You can say thanks to your friends, colleagues & so forth. Don't just scribble."

Juuzou looks at him a bit confused,"Okay."

Once we finished eating we each payed the bill equally. We were about to leave but Juuzou was making a weird dance. Almost like the one when someone has to go to the bathroom badly.

"What's wrong?" I ask Juuzo snickering a bit.

"Bathroom!" He blurts out & runs towards the nearest one.

People stare at him & look back at us. I wave back sheepishly.

"(Name) would you promise me something?" Shinohara asks me with a serious look.

"Sure. What is it?"

"If anything were to happen to me I want you to watch over Juuzou. You would do that for me right?" Shinohara asks me.

I nod my head,"Of course I would. I don't mind taking care of him."

He smiles,"Thank you,(Name). I knew you wouldn't mind considering you like him more than a friend."

My face heats up,"H-hey don't say that in public! I'll hit you!" I yell flustered & raise my hand.

"Alright alright, sorry." He chuckles.

Juuzou came back,"I feel much better!" He says with a satisfied grin planted onto his face.

"Good to hear Juuzou." I respond giggling.

×××End of flashback×××

I woke up in a hospital bed. It was very cozy to say the least...wait where is everyone!?

I sat up & noticed that my leg ,or at least what was left of it, was bandaged up.

I heard the door open. It was the special-class investigators & Juuzou on a wheel chair...but I didn't see Shinohara with them.

"Hello,nice to see you all doing well.  Um...where's Shinohara-san?" I asked tilting my head. I forgot what happened.

They looked down,"He's in a vegetative state. The doctor said that he might never regain consciousness."

I couldn't believe it. Tears poured out my eyes as I slowly remembered what had happened.

"Oh,I see. I've always looked up towards him..." I mumbled. I slowly wipe my tears away & sniff.

Juuzou rolled his wheel chair over to the side of the bed.
"I'm glad you're okay,(Name). I don't know what I would've done if I lost you too..."

By now the other investigators had left the room. Probably visiting their injured colleagues.

I was confused,"You...would miss me?"

He nods,"Mm-hm! Why wouldn't I?"

I shrug,"I don't know,I just thought you didn't care about me..."

"Not true! I care because I know you'll feel the same for me." He says smiling.

I smiled back,"Thank you,Juuzou for caring. I...love you..."

He looked a bit surprised,"You love me?"

I felt a blush creep on my face,"Y-yes,I love you. It's alright if you don't, I-"

He pulls me down & gives me a soft kiss on my lips. I was astonished, I would've never thought of him pulling such an action. But I kissed back anyway.

"I love you too,(Name)!" His grin made mine grow wider.

For a second I thought I saw Shinohara's figure smiling next to him...probably just my imagination.


Did you enjoy this one? I hope ya did!
○( ^皿^)っ
Sorry if Juuzou was a bit ooc. ;-;

I personally prefer the Bad End? one I did. Only because it had more emotion & feels!
But this one was alright. c:

Anyway continue on with your day or night. Bye! ^~^

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