My angel.

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I was sitting on the couch watching television. I heard the door slam open causing me to jump. Juuzou's home!

"Hey Juuzou! How was-" I began.

"I'm tired,(Name)-chan/kun!" He then face planted onto the couch next to me. Sigh~

"Want me to carry you to bed,honey?" I ask softly.

He slowly nods,"Mm-hm..." His voice muffled by the couch.

I get up & carry him bridal style. Thankfully he was pretty light.

I make my way to the bedroom door, trying to open it without dropping Juuzou. He raises his hand & turns the knob for me. I mumble a "thank you" & set him down carefully onto the bed. Then I pull the blanket over his sleeping form.

I lay down next to him. I kiss his forehead & whisper,"Goodnight, Juuzou."

He smiles gently in his sleep,"Night~"


"Please don't leave...don't leave me." I heard someone hiccup.

I flutter my eyes open to see Juuzou holding onto his pillow tightly. Was he crying?

I shake him lightly,"Juuzou wake up! You're having a nightmare!"

He sits up quickly & yells,"Don't let go! (Name)..." His crys get louder by the second.

I hug him tightly,"It was just a dream. It's alright Juuzou. I'll never let go of you,hush now~" I whisper.

Juuzou slowly starts to relax & stops crying. He then holds onto me,"Thank you..."


I woke up to Juuzou's face very close to mine. So close our noses were touching.

"Ooohaaayoo-gozaimasu,(Name)-chan/kun!" He yelled out loud. Well that certainly woke me up.

I rub my eyes,"What are you doing?"

He grins,"I'm waking you up,of course. I made breakfast this morning!"

I was surprised,"Oh really?"
I hope he didn't burn anything.

He nods,"Yup!"

I get up from bed & head towards the bathroom,"I'll head to the kitchen after my shower,alright?"


After my shower I go back inside the room to change into my clothes.

I open the door to see Juuzou's face again,"Gah!" I almost fall back in surprise. I tighten my grip on the towel around me.

"I got your clothes ready for you!" He exclaims.

I blush darkly,"Thanks. But please get out I have to change."

He tilts his head cutely,"Huh? There's no problem if I were to see your body. You can change in front of me,ya know!"

I grab his shoulders & push him out the door,"Pervert!" I quickly lock it.

I could hear him laughing outside the door.
I quickly change into my clothes & head towards the kitchen. I'm so hungry!

"Hey Juuzou what did you make?" I questioned.

"It's (fav/breakfast)! Your favorite,right?" He places the plate down in front of me.

I smile a bit astonished,"Yeah, I'm surprised you remembered."

"Of course I remembered. If it's anything about you it'll get stuck in my head." He replies knocking on his temple.

"That's sweet of you,Juuzou-kun!" I finish eat my breakfast.

After I finished eating I made a list of items I need to buy from the grocery store.

"I'm going to the store. Take care while I'm gone." I tell Juuzou who was currently doodling in his sketchbook.

He gets up from his chair,"Hey hey! Can I go with you?" His crimson hues looking up at me.

I shrug my shoulders,"Sure,why not?"

Once we got to the store we earned a few stares from the other customers around us. Juuzou doesn't seem to mind though.

Juuzou seems to be stuck on the hardest decision he's faced so far...

"Should I get the strawberry or the vanilla flavored ice cream,(Name)-chan/kun?" He asks.

"You can get both if you want,Juuzou-kun. I don't mind." I reply smiling at him.

He gasps,"Really? Thanks!"

We go to the cash register to purchase our items & headed back home. I had most of the bags,but had a few taken from my arms.

"I'll help you,(Name)-chan/kun!" We set them on the kitchen counter. I sort everything out & go in the living room. Juuzou following behind.

"(Name)-chan/kun,do you want to draw with me?" Juuzou asks excited. He had markers, colored pencils, & a sketchbook in his arms.

"Sure!" I plop down on the couch next to him.

Minutes passed as we drew & colored in silence. The only sound filling the room was Juuzou's humming.

I look over at his drawing & observe two people,which looked a lot like us,with big smiles. They were holding hands & standing on grass with a bright yellow sun in the background. Flowers of many colors surrounding them.

Hm? There was another figure next to them. It was small like a child. Is it ours?

"That's a beautiful drawing,Juuzou-kun!"I tell him.

He has the faintest pink dusted across his cheeks,"Thank you! It's you & I, you see? We have flower crowns on our heads."

I grin,"That's nice. But who's that?" I point at the small figure next to us on the drawing.

He smiles at me,"I think you know. But we know it's impossible for me to..." He looks down a bit sad.

I kiss his cheek & blush,"Don't worry about it, Juuzou. Hey maybe one day we can make flower crowns, would you like that?"

He nods eagerly,"Yeah! That sounds fun!"

After Juuzou & I finished we hung our drawings on the fridge with cute magnets. I look over at Juuzou & give him a hug. I felt him tense up slightly but then relaxed.

"Thank you,Juuzou for helping out today. I appreciate it." I say sweetly to him.

He hugs back,"No problem,(Name). I had a dream last night that made me think that I should care for you more."

"Oh,what happened in it?" I asked curiously.

He laughs,"Ha! I'll never tell!"

"Oh...okay." I mumble sadly.

He suddenly lifts me up bridal style & walks to the bedroom. He sets me down & kisses my forehead.

"Let's go to sleep,(Name)." He says silently.

I nod & come closer to him,"Okay. Goodnight my angel."

"You're my angel,(Name)!" He giggles,"Goodnight."


As always, I hoped you enjoyed! o(〃'▽'〃)o Please vote if you did, I appreciate it~^^

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