Queen Rosalin

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 Her heels clacked as she made her way through the white house. Her white hair hung in loose curls that dangled down her back and bounced with each step. It was still a surprise the president decided on an audience with her, nevertheless she must not disappoint.

Residents of the White house pressed themselves against the walls and stared at me in horror as I passed. Their eyes fixated on either my crown or my bizarre eyes that scream "Inhuman!". Do I care? No. I'm here to flush out my enemies and bring them to their demise.

The man I followed was short, he would've been easy to smother with my bosom. His eyes never drifted to my breasts once, either he was gay or extremely loyal to his girl, either way if it came to killing him, simply using pleasure against him wont work. The thought annoyed me. No matter what, things will run smoothly and I will get what is entitled to me and my children.

When the short man opened the door, three men in suits sat around a well polished table. There was a single chair on the closer side. The men stood as I made my ways toward the single chair. The president held out his hand, I took his hand and gave it a firm shake. "Director of the Cia." The president says as the second man extends his hand to her. "And Secretary of Defense." Finally the third man extended his hand. After I shook his hand they all sat, so did I.

"So, Mrs. Morrison." The President started but she held up her hand. "Morrison is my surname. I'm a married woman." I gave the man an icy stare. "Queen, Earnest." he corrected himself to my delight. "We have gathered here today with the understanding that you have information about terrorist movements and you are here as an informant, is that correct?" I looked at my nails, filing them as I responded, "Indeed I am."

"By any chance, do you have any inside information?" The Director questions.

"That I do not." I say nonchalant. Though I was still looking at my nails, I could see the men doubting me, so I fixed my gaze on them. "You don't have to believe me, it's true I'm not a part of the organization, but being a part of it isn't required if you can wipe the face of the organization from the universe."

"Is this the Mafia you're referring to?" The Secretary of Defense interrogates, his eye brows slightly raised.

"Possibly." I say bluntly.

"Enough with your word games woman, out with it; why have you called us here?" Demanded the Director.

"The head of the Mafia just so happens to be someone I despise." I say slowly.

The men were silent for a time. "So you want this, "terrorist" out of the way?" The President briefly paused before saying the word terrorist.

"She's not the problem really, I can handle her. It's her little sidekick that's the problem, the boy. He's rather problematic."

"The boy..?"

"Who's this boy?"

"I'm not sure my source says he is a powerful ally but their information on him is limited, he's being protected by the Mafia Queen herself. They call him "an abnormality"."

The men became eerily silent as they shared silent glances before the Director spoke once more. "How exactly does this boy fit in with the terrorist attack you mentioned?"

"It's not going to be an attack." I say narrowing my eyes. "The White Queen wants blood, she's going to start a war, if that boy is who I think he is. She has everything she needs to conquer the world."

That seemed to get their attention but they still looked skeptical. "Listen, you can doubt me," I stand and adjust my crown. "You can wait until after they make their move or you can handle it before, either way. You know where to find me."

I didn't hesitate, I turned on my toes and marched out.

The reactions humans make to me I find utterly hilarious. I don't have any shame in what i am, even if I'm listed as an abnormal and possible terrorist. I will hold my head high. I will watch as the people go out of their way to avoid me as I am right now. They all gave me a wide berth as I stride down the sidewalk. Each one looks at me with the same horror and pitiful expressions that make me leave them but at the same time, I am thrilled that they see me as one to be feared. They aren't wrong, I could clear myself a clear path for the entire block; leave their remains scattered and splattered against the pavement, mixed in with their family's or friend's corpses. The thought made my bloodlust stir within me, awaking my dark desires and feeling me with a dark sensation that I love. I smiled and ran my tongue across my fang, imagining their delicious screams, the taste of their fear, how lovely they'd look as their blood taints the streets red. The thought of watching life slowly drain from their eyes is alluring but yet I put my bloodlust into a bottle and pushed in the cork. Forcing those evil thoughts and regaining myself control, I raised my hand and called for a taxi.  

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