Mary Curbelo and The Renith Family

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The boys all looked alike. She thought as she looked at the brothers as they awaited their father.

The eldest one is Delios, my fiance. She watched the tallest boy and studied him. He had his mother's brown hair and his father's eyes, he is a fine tan fellow. Possibly italian? He has an accent that to this day I cannot place. I've visited him and his father numerous times, not so much as his brothers. Glancing at his brothers, I suddenly feel deep regret for not being bothered to get to know my future brother in laws.

My eyes travel to the second son, Dan I believe. He's only a few years younger than his brother, I recall attending his nineteenth birthday a couple years ago when I came to visit. I don't remember much about the kid. One of the few things I do recall is that he loves the colors orange and blue.

I think he's a college student? Not entirely sure, that will have to be another thing I ask about. There's also the fact that there are rumors about him having a lover, I don't know if it's true or not. There's no context behind the statement, wild speculations at best. The press is deprived of news on the Renith family. Most likely witnesses saw him with the supposed lover and jumped to conclusions.

I looked at the third, his name I knew was Danny. He had fixed my dad's car when it broke down on the highway on our way back from visiting grandma. From what I know, he is the third of his siblings to attend college, though I can not remember his age for the likes of me. I want to say he's either seventeen or eighteen.

He's the only one that I know of, who is not planning to attend college. As far as I know, he has no interest in it. He wishes to continue working at the repair shop downtown, though I cannot understand why. It barely pays the minimum wager but that just could be the reason why he wants to stay. I don't know, it's rather confusing.

The fourth, Daniel, I know for sure he's sixteen . I've spent the most time with this delinquent, mostly getting him out of fights, sometimes mother hires lawyers to fight against assault charges. He has little to no control over his anger unlike his brothers before him. He's ill mannered, disrespectful, and obnoxious while his elder brothers portrayed themselves as gentle souls and well mannered. Simply said, I dislike this young man for numerous reasons.

Finally the fifth, the one other then my fiance, I took a liking to. David Hallow Auren Renith. Sweet kid, like the rest of his brothers, he grew up with money and power; because of that these boys are high on the social bar and are most likely known as the popular kids at school. This boy however doesn't like the fame. He'd rather chill in the library with his face in a book than to deal with society, because of that he has no friends. I'm sure he'd get picked on over it if his dad wasn't filthy rich. He mostlikey has kids trying to sucker up to him in class just because of that fact but he's the antisocial type, so I bet he shoves them all away. He'll be going into 7th grade after summer break.

I don't know much about their family except who their father is. I haven't met their mother or anyone else they are related to. For famous people, this lot is quite secretive about their affairs, even by Celebratory standards.

"So," I started hesitantly, drawing their attention to me. I shouldn't have said anything. I thought as I met their penetrating gazes with a gulp. "How has your day been?" I choked. Delios's eyes glinted with amusement and he went to answer when the door opened and our parents entered. "Sorry for taking too long." Mr.Renith says apologetically. "It's no matter." Delios said coolly and stood, "Are the arrangements made?"

"Indeed they are." Says mother as she rests her hand on my shoulder. "Oh so when will the wedding be?" Dan asks, looking honestly curious. "It's going to be a surprise." Mr.Renith says with a wink. Daniel scoffed; he I assume does not like surprises. He was first to leave.

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