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Date: September 28th, 1961

The wind was bitter cold as I sat on the roof. I wasn't very bothered by it, I liked the cold. The ground below was scattered with fallen leaves from my neighbor's yard. Fall is one of my favorite seasons, but then again anything cold I take a liking to.

I breathed in the perfect, crisp Ohio weather, slightly tainted with humanity's pollution. The clouds overhead cleared, allowing the moon to cast a thin glow upon the ground as I opened my eyes.

My friends stood silently beyond the fenced in yard, silently looking up at me. I couldn't help but to smile, it's a school night but yet here they are. I wonder how a monster looks in the dark, how do I look from their perspective? That's a question I most likely will never get an answer to.

Sighing, I stood and unfurled my wings. I gave them a smirk and a nod. My friend, Thomas gave me a nod back, I can see perfectly fine in the dark so I also saw his smile as he told the others to get inside the van. They looked at me in question and at him, but they obeyed. Of course they were confused, my dark wings and horns blended into the shadows of night. They will never see them, that blessing and curse has been bestowed on Thomas and Thomas alone. Though it was an accident.

I watched as Thomas hoped in the driver seat, after a few seconds the engine roared to life. He turned the headlights on then pulled off, heading south on Atlantic . I spread my wings and with one flap, I was airborne.

Lima, Ohio is said to be a small town, it feels small it does, but if u were to look on a map, you'll see it's fairly not. At least it's not in my point of view. The wind tousled my dark hair as I flew above the town, out of view of the residents while I trailed the van. I already knew where we were going so I didn't really need to follow the van, however, I often found myself tripped up when flying over the woods so the van is a great guideline.

I held back a whoop, it's been awhile since I've been able to sneak away from my family like this. After my family discovered I've been skipping school for "god knows how long" as my father said, I've been watched like a hawk for weeks, but it's not keeping me from handling my business tonight.

Before making my descent, I made sure no one was there to bear witness to my abnormalities. Upon landing, I folded my wings against my back and soaked them in a shroud of darkness, naturally my body absorbed the darkness and my wings. That's not the only way I can put them away, it's just the fastest. I waved my hand above my head, a red mist danced between my fingers, "Cornua operientes." I say in latin. I didn't need to question if the simple spell worked, I felt the tingle of magic as it surrounded my horns. I slipped my hands into my pockets and walked into the light where my friends awaited.

"Where is he?" The blonde haired girl by the name of Korae asks, she faced the opposite way of my approach. "He is coming, right?" Asks Korae's half sister, Janolas. Janolas looks nothing like her sister. Janolas is respectfully a big girl, she also has short brown afro hair which she keeps flat ironed. As you may or may not have figured, she is African American, commonly referred to as "black". Korae, on the other hand, is a thin latina girl with blonde hair. I don't really know much about their family, but from what I can concur, it's much more confusing than my own. "He'll be here." Counters Nino, Korae's cousin who's somehow not Janolas's. Thomas and I stick out fairly out of this group, as you know, they are all related except for Thomas.

Thomas is actually a country bumpkin, he lives on a farm. Well lived, his father got sick last year and is in the hospital currently. Right now he's living with his aunt, Tammy near Elm St.

To save his Family's Legacy and his father he stepped into the darkness and embraced the criminal world for a side hustle. Quite noble, if you asked me. He's not black or latino, he's actually British and it shows quite a lot sometimes. He came to America some years back for whatever reason and he still has his accent.

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