Castellans and Goldmans

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 He read the email from the US military over and over again. Oh what in the world does the general want with a fifteen year old boy? The mayor mumbled as he tossed the paperwork to the side of his desk. "Should I set out units to find the kid?" The police chief asks. "No. Not yet. I want to know why this kid is so important."

"Understood sir!" the chief says and marches off.

The school was bustling around in its usual manner as I followed the Mayor's daughter down the halls heading to meet her father, secretly in the teacher lounge along with Alexis, my cousin who is currently posing as my sister.

He sat patiently in his black suit, Raechels brother, who looked a lot like her was already present and seated at the table. "Hi dad." The student council president, Raechel Dare Goldman says as she takes a seat next to her brother, Dexter Dare Goldman. "Good afternoon, mister Mayor." I say as I sit next to her. "Yes I hope you've had a pleasant morning sir." Alexis says as she sits beside Dexter. The Mayor smiled, "Yes it was quite pleasant until I received an email from the military general of the United states." I couldn't help but to raise my eyebrows. "The general? For what purpose?!" Questions a stunned Dexter. Us three was not particularly surprised, we have been mustered time and time again to assist the Mayor in certain matters. The Mayor put his briefcase on the table and opened it.

He pulled out three files and slid one to each of us. I opened mine and was shocked to see the file was on a child. "His name is Apothis. He is alleged to be a very dangerous ally or enemy. Information on the kid is limited, exceedingly limited. But he has warrants out for his arrest and is believed to have ties with the R. Mafia." My eyes widened once I saw the kid's picture. "Sir. I've seen this child on an application to our school." I say looking up from the file. "Oh?" he says slowly. "Indeed I recall adding this child's face into the stack before escorting the paperwork to mom." Raechel says. "You mean the principal." Alexis corrected, earning a glance from her. " What is on his file?"

"Nothing, just that he's transferring into the ninth grade."

"So he's a freshman."
"I'm a freshman too!" Dexter says with a smile.
"Alexis, Raechle and I are all in Sophomore classes which means only one or two periods will mix in with his schedule ."
"Indeed." The Mayor says.
'What do you want us to do?' His daughter asks.
"Get close to the boy, find out all you can."
When we looked at the mayor curiously he sighed and said, "Record what you find out and give it to either of my children. This kid could be in danger or he could be the danger." He explained bleakley and stood. "Mr. Goldman, a question before you depart." I say to the man as he reaches the door.
With his hand on the doorknob he faces back to us. "By any means necessary?" I say with a smirk tugging at my lips. He narrowed his eyes, hesitant to reply.

I don't blame him, my methods can be...quite questionable. "Cousin, we need him operational." Alexis warned, giving me that back off look. "As long as he's operational then by any means is acceptable, but I must ask what do you have in mind Mr. Castellian?"
"You know i'm gay right?" I say with a simple chuckle. My response seemed to shock him but he smiled wryly and turned, pulling the door open he left.

I stared after him, silently wondering what he was thinking when he gave me that look when Raechel put her hand on my shoulder.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I stood and followed the others out. We walked in silence as we moved through the office and around the desk. Per usual the secretary was on the phone. She looked at us and gave us a nod. I ignored her and pulled open the office door and held it open for the ladies and Dexter before letting it close behind me. We walked down the hall, past the gymnasium and cafeteria, Dexter went up the stairs while waving to his sister.
Together Rachel, Alexis and I took the left hall and passed several lockers then finally to our classes. The ladies went into one and I went into the other.

Mrs. Henderson was in the middle of talking when I entered. She curiously looked over at the door but the curiosity was quickly replaced with annoyance. "Late again are we?" She questions as I stride into the room. "Sorry the Mayor pulled me into the office." I say as nochulant as possible. I sat my pack down and pulled out the necessary items for her class. I realized then that the entire class was watching me, including the teacher. "Page number?"
"145 of your literature book." She says coldly.

After class I met up with the girls once more, "Did you get shit from your teacher too?" Raechle says with a smile as her blonde curls bounced up and down. "Not really, mostly just stares." I replied.
"Lucky." Alexis says as she pulls her hair back into a ponytail, "Rae and I straight got bitched at for the first four minutes."
"Oh poor woe you." I say earning a shoulder punch from Rae. I laughed and rubbed my shoulder.
"I swear the teachers hate us!" She cried.
"Tell me about it." Agreed Alexis.
"It's not just the teachers, douchebags." Someone muttered as we passed. Instinctively, I stopped. "Andy, no, let's just go." Rae says with her eyes wide. I turned to face the kid then bawled my fist and pulled my arm back. The kid's eyes widened, my fist made contact with a loud wack and the kid's head jerked back, slamming into the locker behind him. From there he fell to the floor whimpering as he held his nose. Blood trickled between his fingers and down his arm. Blood. I held my breath and quickly looked away. No way was I losing control of that jerk. "Let go." I say, my voice sounding tight even to me.

Voorhees/Renith Aguilar/WhiteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz