Chapter 10

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Daisy is alone on the stairs without anyone noticing her presence at the celebration. She quietly observes what is happening loudly on the first floor and quietly listens to the music of the musicians. She would like to join the crowd like the guests that her father and stepmother invited to the table, on the occasion of his return, but as with every celebration, she should stay in her "room", that is, in the attic. She is tired of always being left out of everything. The hostess has not seen her since this morning. No one takes even the slightest notice of her, as it has been since time immemorial, as if she did not exist. Like the others, she could melt into the crowd, among all the people she doesn't know and for the most part has never seen. All people from the near and far surroundings, including many who intend to spend tonight in this house. But still, the fear in Daisy is so great because of the entailing fear of being caught and the subsequent harsh punishment she would receive afterwards. But despite all this, she slowly walks down the loudly cracking wooden steps of the stairs leading to the party. Every word, every laugh and every movement made by the guests causes goosebumps in the girl and makes her flinch slightly. She has never been able to escape her father's words and punishments on her, but after all, it can't always be like this. She quickly descends the last step and hesitantly weaves her way through the individual groups of people caught up in their pointless conversations and political discussions with her head tilted down. Daisy never wanted to be like these people, who in her opinion has lost all sense of the most important things in any life like true joy, love, passion and pleasure, but not everyone can perceive these problems in society like Daisy. Her eyes silently search for people she knows, but so far she has not seen anyone who could have caught her interest. Neither her father nor Lady Tremaine seem to be at the main center of the action, which is unlikely for either of them. Her eyes are mainly focused on the ground while her face is hidden by her red curly hair. Nevertheless, every step is perfected despite the persistent feeling of the coldness of the parcel under her bare feet.

From a distance she sees a very familiar woman from behind, dressed in an elegant dark burgundy dress, which makes her look like the true queen of the night, longing only for a certain thing that will never fully belong to her, since these things refuse to submit to her dominance completely with body and soul. For the first time during the ever-present danger, she lifts her head and brushes her curls from her face. She doesn't seem to hear her or even consciously notice her, but Daisy saw every detail of her. Even the details no soul should see and analyze. Her fingers form into a tight fist that clenches tightly around the door frame while her face looks angrily and frustratedly at the events ahead silently. Daisy has never seen the older woman's face in full the entire time she has been watching her, only her profile reveals individual facts that the woman always tries to hide. When she finally dares to go to the woman slowly, a breath comes out of her lungs that she didn't realize she had been holding all this time. The woman wakes up from her state in surprise and quickly turns her head to the source that unexpectedly distracted her from her strict observation phase and brought her out.

"What are you doing here?! You are not supposed to be here. Have you forgotten what will happen to you, what he will do to you if he sees you here darling?",Lady Tremaine hisses worriedly and looks at her stepdaughter anxiously. Daisy, however, just shakes her head absently and turns her gaze to the couple as the older woman had done until now. As with her, the same annoyance and the same kind of dislike and loathing forms in her own features. Daisy would too gladly interrupt the two figures as Catherine would probably prefer. Her blunt fingernails are bent firmly into the soft and delicate skin of her stepmother's hand. She doesn't really seem to mind the pain. Both women look at each other disturbed, as it is not a simple embrace that Cinderella and her father share, but something far more disturbing. Catherine's arms enclose the young woman in a gentle embrace, trying to pull her away from the horror currently taking place before Daisy could do something that could spell her own end and demise. But Daisy wrests herself from her stiff mother's not-so-tight grip and quickly runs out of the mansion. Faster than Lady Tremaine can in her high heels. The only thing Daisy hears from the far distance are the desperate cries of her stepmother.

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