Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - A lil death in the Family

"You can't just run away Daisy! You could have caught pneumonia!" yelled Lady Tremaine, upset.
"Don't pretend you really care about me, care about me, or know me. You don't and you never will. Just leave me alone!!!" said Daisy crying and quickly running down the stairs towards the attic . Only Lady Tremaine's shouts and footsteps could be heard as she ran after Daisy.

Catherine knocked on the attic door for minutes. Her heart broke more and more when she heard the crying and whimpering of her stepdaughter. She wanted so much to comfort the girl, to be with her and hold her in her arms. She had no idea where these feelings came from, why they were there, or even how it was possible. With each blow against the door, Catherine cried harder and her fists bloodied more and more. She didn't care about the pain. She had only one goal: comfort Daisy.

"Please open the door Daisy. I don't want to hurt you. I know what it's like to always be alone. What it's like to always be alone. To always be judged for who you are. To have your family hate you. Please let me help you. Please. Please. Please." she said as she sank down the door just like her stepdaughter. She pulled her knees under her child and her hands covered her face.
"All right. But just for a minute, then get out." groaned Daisy through heavy tears.

The door opened . Catherine, still leaning against the door, fell backwards hard onto the attic floor.
"Oh shit. Are you all right?", Daisy blurted out as her stepmother literally landed at her feet. She quickly helped Catherine up, rubbing her still very sore head.

"Why don't you watch what you're doing Daisy. You're a lady, not a bully."

She had no choice but to wince strongly at the harshness of Catherine's voice. After this statement, a flood of tears formed again in Daisy's once bright blue eyes.

"Just go Lady Tremaine. Don't pretend to really care about me. Nobody does. I don't know why or how. Just because I don't fit into other people's expectations, I'm treated like scum!"

Daisy quickly turned her face to the side so that Catherine could not see her tears. Only her whimpers and gasps were audible in her angry voice. Catherine understood her pain too well. For a small moment, she lost herself in her thoughts. In her thoughts of Maurice, of her life with the special girl whose true name she never knew. How could Daisy be so much like the girl from her youth. So much Catherine, wanted to wrap the young girl in a soft embrace, comfort her and never let her go. But it was so obvious that Daisy did not share her affection, nor did she want to. Slowly, a single tear flowed down Catherine's rosy alabaster skin. If only Daisy knew the true feelings.

Hesitantly, Catherine tentatively placed her fingers on the girl's shoulder. The muscles under her fingers contracted convulsively. She only wanted to comfort her. Hurt, she wanted to pull her fingers away when one of Daisy's hands reached for Catherine's and pulled her into a warm embrace. Surprised, by the unexpected action, her eyes widened.
Still crying hard, Daisy wrapped her arms tightly around her stepmother's waist. When the shock passed, she returned the embrace with joy. Maybe Daisy didn't hate her as much as she thought.

Mutually entwined in their arms, without any word, they still stood in the dirty attic. The sea of tears slowly disappeared into the fibers of each other's clothes.

"I would never hurt you my child. Please believe me." she said lovingly.
But Daisy didn't reply anything. Slowly Catherine stroked her fingers tenderly over the soft skin of the sleeping girl. She could not stay like that in the damp attic given to her as a room by her father. She could never understand how a father could treat his own child like this. She thought how could one treat such a beautiful girl like a slave. Ever since she had met the young girl, all she could think about was Daisy. Her bright red hair like hers, those bright blue eyes, the way she danced for herself. Catherine thought it was just fascination, but some part of her heart that wasn't cursed felt a connection to the girl. It was as if she had known Daisy all her life. She felt as if hours had passed, hours in each other's arms, body to body, heart to heart. They never actually spoke to each other. Catherine purposely portrayed herself as a self-centered, bitter, cruel and cold person, no one was supposed to see her true fragile self. Because no one was ever supposed to hurt her again. No matter how much loneliness it took. But these walls Daisy seemed to be slowly breaking through.

It's as if she's known the girl forever, since she was a young girl herself, before Maurice and Marian. Something about Daisy reminded her of a young woman she would probably love forever.
Daisy couldn't stay like that. Quickly Catherine lifted her and carried her to her own room. Fortunately, her husband was out of the house and on an extended business trip.
As Daisy slept peacefully in her stepmother's arms, she would not let go of the girl. Daisy had never been so close as she was at that moment. What she felt for her was guaranteed to be more than the usual motherly love.

Catherine first pulled Daisy out of her wet clothes, then herself, and made sure she was snuggled peacefully in the bed.
As they both sleep peacefully, as if by magic, something touching happens.
Daisy clings to Catherine while she protectively puts her arms around her.

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