Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- The unspoken Secret

Lady awoke from delirium as a slightly chubby cat nestled tightly against her. The beautiful young woman had disappeared. It all seemed as if it was just a mirage or an apparition in her thoughts and dreams. She slowly opened her eyes, straightened up and looked at the ornate wallpaper of the wall, the golden chandelier and the design of the mahogany cabinet on the wall. She was lying on a leather comfortable sofa and her red hair was open and spread across the size of the pillow. A loud rumbling and crackling sound could be heard. And a white wooden door opened. A tall, emaciated man with dark brown slightly graying hair entered the room. You could literally see the deep-seated pain in his light brown eyes. Which is incurable. Catherine silently observed his weary posture. When he noticed that she was watching him, he put on a shy and gentle smile. She returned it with equal friendliness. When she noticed that he did not speak a word, she took the initiative.
"I am Lady Catherine Tremaine. And who are you sir?" she said in her typical seductive voice and held out her hand to him. He gave her a slightly infatuated smile, grabbed her hand and placed a brief gentle kiss on the back of her hand.
"Pleased to meet you Lady Tremaine. My name is Andrew Upton." he spoke in a soft voice with a kind expression on his face. Carefully he stroked the delicate skin of her fingers. They talked for a while after finally getting over the awkward mood.
After a few weeks, he proposed to her, happier than she had been in a long time, and she accepted, inflamed with joy. Despite all this, Catherine still thought about the passionate kiss with the young unknown woman. Nonstop. No matter day or night, she thought only of the beauty of the strange blonde and all those special moments. She could not forget them. The woman had not met her until then.

A year passed when Catherine and Andrew entered into the marriage covenant. She did appreciate him and loved him, but not as you think. It was a purely friendly and platonic love. He wanted to avoid more rumors circulating and to prevent her from losing more of her life. But not only she brought two daughters, because he also had two lovely daughters. While Catherine's daughters were only concerned with beauty and wealth, his had a heart of gold and would never marry for money greed, but only for love. The two girls were more beautiful than any princess in the world, though they never cared. The youngest Ella, like her sister, was a dazzling beauty. She was appreciated and loved by everyone. There was something about her that made Catherine very uncomfortable. While the other always seemed to change. It was nothing that could be explained by any human knowledge. Her character and figure were changing. The young lady possessed beautiful eyes bluer than the waves of the sea. Lips as rounded as the petal of a brilliant red English rose and colored the same. Hair as reddish as Catherine's. If even a little darker. To Catherine it seemed as if she were an Angel flung out of space. Always hidden, Catherine watched from a distance as the girl moved, danced and laughed.She was never with others as if she didn't want to be. She turned pirouettes like a real ballerina and moved just as gracefully and elegantly. Catherine did not understand how the young girl could hide such a great talent from the world. No matter what the weather, she would go to the big meadow after every meal, then walk along a long stony path until she arrived at a big abandoned castle. Whose garden was full of different flowers. No one except Catherine ever noticed her absence, which made the young girl very sad. Since the birth of her "adorable" sister, she had been largely ignored by her family. After all, she was not the "real" daughter of Andrew, but only an imposed brat. Year after year, she probed herself more and more from the outside world and created her own in her thoughts and dreams. Whenever she could, she spent her time dancing alone, reading and drawing. Every time she entered her secret hiding place (this particular garden), she could live in her own world without being judged for what she was. The many names she bore throughout her life made her life all the more difficult.
Earlier many years ago when Catherine and her daughters were not yet in her life, she had a special friend. This one looked like a younger version of Catherine, maybe she was. She was more unusual than anyone the girl knew. Always drawing women and reading romantic, erotic or poetic prose and fiction. Never did her love wear women's clothes. They shared a love that no one understood at the time. Partly not even at the present time. That she possessed a special ability that no one knew about except her so-called father made it much easier for her at times. She was a very strange girl. Because the young girl possessed the ability to travel through the past to her soulmate until she fulfills her destiny, learns the secret that is hidden from hers and the curse is lifted from her soulmate. But her soulmate was forced by her parents to marry a nobleman named Lord Maurice. She was never allowed to show her soulmate her true appearance. Which appearance she could never influence. One day, as we know, this so-called Maurice became seriously ill. Because of the many books the girl had read in her short life, she was very well read and felt that she could help him. But only because she loved her soulmate so much and she wanted her love to be happy even without her. But fate did not mean well with her at that time. She was never allowed into the house. The girl was in the guise of a very covert, gloomy old woman. It was so heartbreaking, like some kind of demon or curse, seized the special girl. It was as if she was possessed by the devil. The girl had no control over herself anymore, a spirit took it in her and did the worst thing that could have ever happened. The spirit inside her pushed her beloved to the ground, inflicted great pain on her, cursed her and killed Maurice. Her beloved was so consumed with fear, did not recognize her and shot a magic sharp dagger at her. She died in the past and could not travel to the past since then.On the one hand, she didn't want her beloved to think that her love killed her husband, so she called herself Marian and made her believe that she had been in love only with Maurice for decades. Maybe the ghost only let reveal part of her true feelings and wishes that Maurice should disappear.
Her thoughts were only of her beloved Kate.
They never told each other their real names. And in the original time, when "Kate" was much older, the girl was never able to find again her soul mate and to lead again a relationship full of love with her, just because of her magic.

Completely lost in her dance, she did not notice how a violent storm was building up until she felt tears on her alabaster skin. This snapped her out of her thoughts of Kate. As fast as she could, she ran back the way she came.
Completely out of breath, she knocked on her front door. A loud squeak of the door was heard as it opened. And Catherine, who was now Lady Catherine Tremaine Upton, was now standing right in front of Andrew's oldest daughter. Who had never been treated well, Catherine sadly realized as time went on.

"Daisy! Where have you been again child? Especially in this storm!" said Catherine, upset, pulling the girl into the mansion.


A slightly longer chapter

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