The Depths of Cousin Fethry!

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Guess who's sort of back yep, it's me the girl who hasn't typed a story in (Looks at notes) I didn't bother to check because I'm lazy and don't care. (Dabs)

As always, I will resume but like I said the chapters will be random and picked by me (but if you guys have an episode that you really want me to do lmk). The way I update will be sporadic only because I'm not as into DuckTales as I was when I first started making chapters and I'm unmotivated, but I will not halfass these chapters because that's not fair to you guys.

Without further Ado:

Season 2, Episode 2: The Depths of Cousin Fethry!

"Now here's the amazing part. The vascular cambium displays three distinct growth rings the exact same distance apart. Factoring out drop deformities, this tree Scrooge found experienced three leap years in a row!" Huey exclaims as he touches a stump of a tree.

Huey turns around and is met with his brother Dewey who is wrapped in a blue towel and dripping wet.

"YOu dragged me out of the bath for this?" Dewey asks annoyed before looking to Huey in shock.

"What are you doing?" Dewey exclaims.

Huey continues to lick the tree stump. "Tasting for resin samples. They can- OW splinter." Huey pulls the splinter from his tongue.

"I said don't interrupt me unless something 'exciting' happens." Dewey scolds.

"What's more exciting than dendrochronology?" Huey asks his brother.

"Ghouls, goblins, time paradoxes, daring quests that will cement out names in history, Ella making a new weapon that she'll let me and Webby use, you get the idea." Dewey lists.

Suddenly a can starts to ring in Scrooge's office catching the boys attention.

"Brring, Brring, Brring. Answer me please. Brring." The Tin can on the desk says.

Scrooge walks into the office with Donald and Ella.

Donald struggles to hold up a heavy painting.

"What are you kids doing mucking about my office?" Scrooge asks.

"Why is Dewey in only a towel?" Ella asks covering her eyes.

Huey eagerly walks over to the tree stump on Scrooge's wall, "Ah, see, the vascular cambium displays-"

"More importantly, your can is ringing." Dewey interrupts pointing at the shaking can with his thumb.

Donald continues to struggle holding up the painting.

"Tatter me tartan. Do not answer that. Ugh, that can is your cousin Fethry calling from a top-secret deep sea laboratory." Scrooge tells them standing in front of the can.

"Top secret?" Dewey gasps.

"Deep Sea Laboratory?" Huey awes.

Donald struggles to push the painting through the room while Ella continues to cover her eyes.

"Don't get too excited. Fethry's a bit, well he's uh-" Scrooge trails off trying to find a nice way to put it.

"He's coo coo bananas." Donald says as Ella helps him push the big painting.

"Coming from this family, sounds about right." Ella teases earning an amused smirk from Donald.

"Best to ignore it. Every time we get a call from Fethry, we rush down there just to go on some fool's errand wrapped up in a needlessly dangerous adventure with some rumbling lectures-" Scrooge laments.

Huey and Dewey both gasp in excitement.

"That make no sense-" Donald cuts in.

"And avoiding that mega tsunami-" Scrooge continues.

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