The Spear of Selene

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Season 1, Episode 13: The Spear of Selene

Thunder crashes and all but Ella scream.

"Aw, come on, a little lightning never killed anyone before." Launchpad chirps.

"Statistically speaking-" Huey is interrupted by the plane being hit by lightning.

Ella sighs and presses a button  that stables the plane causing everyone to relax.

"See? Nothing to worry about!" Launchpad said.

Dewey flicks some switches and turns a dial which causes a red button to blink.

"What about that flashing red light?" Webby asks taking notice of it.

"Huh? That's just probably the 'everything is fine' light." Launchpad said trying to press the blinking button.

"Okay, but hypothetically, what if it's not the 'everything is not fine' light?" Dewey asks with a smirk.

Launchpad panics with an "Oh no", letting go of the controls.

Ella facepalms as everyone begins screaming as they crash land.

The Suncrasher falls through the sky before crashing. The storm clears and a Lion/ scorpion creature roars.

"Where are we?" Louie asks as the kids rush to the windows.

Huey pulls out his junior woodchuck handbook, "According to the JWG, we're off the tip of Greece, and- wait. This can't be right. I thought it was a myth." Huey says showing Ella the JWG.

"What? What is this place?" Ella asks Huey while Scrooge looks out the window on the other side of the plane.

"Ithaquack." Scrooge says omniously.

"WHAT?!" Donald panics causing Ella to raise an eyebrow.

The kids minus Ella awe at the beauty of the island while Ella shrugs uninterested.

"No, no, no, no. We've gotta go now!" Donald demands while Scrooge looks at him pitifully.

"Get this plane in the air!" Scrooge also demands.

Launchpad appears over the railing, "Sorry, Mr. McD, gotta figure out what this flashing light means. I always say, better safe than whatever the opposite of safe is. Yeah, I do say that." Launchpad informs.

"When have you ever said that?!" Scrooge asks him, annoyed.

"Hmm. Might as well take a look around." Webby says after exchanging smirks with Dewey.

Ella narrows her eyes at them but says nothing. She knew they were searching for answers behind Della Duck. But them causing the ship to crash is taking it to far. She'll get on them about this later.

The kids minus Ella, who was helping free Donald from his binds, rush out the plane in excitement.

"No, get back here!" Donald calls out to the kids.

"Everyone stay on the plane!" Scrooge calls out but the kids were already outside.

"Ella why is it you're the only one to listen to us?" Donald asks pitifully.

"Probably because I take notice of things. For example, you guys look about ready to be sick just by being here. That and I know not to rush into things, never know what danger you will face." Ella tells them with a shrug as she adjusts her goggles as they all walk out behind the others.

(Theme song plays)

Donald walks up to a lounging Louie, holding Huey under his arm.

"You're in my light!" Louie complains before Donald grabs him under his arm also.

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