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Season 1, Episode 1: Woo-woo!

Ella wakes up to hearing a commotion in the kitchen and tiredly heads down stairs.

"Louie! Get off of me! Wak! Ouch!"  Donald yells as he falls to the floor with Louie holding out two outfits for him with his signature smirk.

Ella quietly comes down the stairs grumbling about having noisy boys on bored.

"Good morning, Uncle Donald." Huey speaks up from the stove.

Donald covers himself up with a nearby towel, as Louie scolds him, "You can't wear this to your job interview."

Louie then places Donald's favorite uniform into I guess a trash bin?
"Ah! My uniform!" Donald yells before struggling to pull it out while the door was still close.

"You gotta dress for the job you want, not the job you have, which is no job." Louie informs him.

Ella sits on the last stair and watches in silence as the chaos unfolds.

Donald's hold on his uniform slips and it falls on the stove catching fire which he quickly puts in the sink to put the fire out, he turns to Huey, "Huey, don't touch the stove. You'll get hurt!" Donald says panicking.

"I think the food he 'cooked' is far more hurt." Ella snorts.

For some reason his uniform smacks his face.

"But it's a big day, and a big day calls for a big breakfast." Huey tells him showing him the food on the pan.

The fish deflates oozing out something green. Ella stays quiet and looks to Donald who shivers at the sight of the food.

"Bleh!" Donald says still struggling to pull his uniform out.

"I'll get the iron." Huey says rushing past Donald holding his suit.

When he drops the Iron board it hits Donald on the head.

"Ouch! Ooch, Stop helping me. And put on your life vests! What if the boat goes down while the babysitter's here?" Donald says from under the ironing board.

Ella tired goes back up the stairs to get dressed for the day.

She comes back down stairs with her own life vest on and sees Donald throwing the boys into the back seat, he turns to Ella.

"Ella put your life vest back in your room please." He says calmly to her.

Ella salutes (aye little mix song reference), before running back up into their rooms and putting her life vest away and grabbing her bookbag before heading downstairs in time to hear Donald scold the boys, "I can't leave you boys alone for one minute!"

She sits walks into the Passenger seat and sits down carefully closing the door.

"You were supposed to get him out by 10:00, Hubert!" Dewey tells Huey condescendingly.

"You were supposed to signal before you started the boat, Dewford!" Huey snarks back.

 "You guys plan was just trash." Ella told them from shotgun.

"We never get to do anything." Louie whines with a bored face.

"Boys, if we want to keep our home afloat," Donald sighs and looks to Ella who looks at him in curiosity, "we've all got to do things we don't want to." Donald finishes looking forward before looking down at his GPS.

Donald types a location on the GPS.

"Destination: McDuck Manor." The GPS informs.

Ella raises her eyebrows in surprise.

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