Seven - Flower land

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I just wanted to bumped my head onto the wall and relief from that with loss conscious, and in fact, I did that, but felt nothing, even the pain strongly I felt on my head after I regained my conscious.

The last thing I could remembered, is his enlarged face in front of my eyes.


When I opened my eyes, the throbbing pain was still there, but at least I could see things clearer and think properly again. With a warm hand held on my back, I got up from the ground and found us in a tunnel, "Where are we?"

"Inside a gateway." Poker face answered.

Ok, got that.

I looked around, it just a normal rock tunnel with uneven surface. Find no sign of Lee and Jin, I asked where they are. Poker face frowned, opened his mouth after a moment.

"Gone." he said, "when you went unconscious."

Through his shortcutted words, I just knew when I suddenly collapsed, Jin also went through the same thing, but different was that he had turned into a Mi Tuo Luo and attacked Lee who had dragging him from banging his head to the wall.

Poker face held my hand up and showed it to me, the finger that had touched the greenish liquid had became jade-like green. The blood flowing in blood capillaries can be seen with my naked eyes.

"Same symptoms, but seems that your blood can hold it longer before turning.

I frowned, not saying anything.

Will I become one of them? Will I be dead then or trap inside, suffering? Will I able to disintegrate the Wang's family before that?... Questions gushed into my mind in a flashing speed, haven't give me a second to think.

"It won't happen." Like a speed wind, these three words blew away my thoughts in a second. He sounded promising, staring at me with a hardened look, like he'd seen through my mind.

I stared blankly at him, a weird feeling came up to my heart, like I haven't felt it for yonks, I'm actually infatuated into it.

Yet doubt in the meantime, didn't mean that Poker face is a heartless person, he's actually a sincere man in his deep soul, but not on his face and manner of speaking. He will never say that to teammates, not to mention some guy like me who just met just only a few hours ago.

He's fake??

I glanced at his hand, the index and middle fingers are longer compared to others. Yep, that's his iconic characteristic, yet can be imitated by others. For example, the Wang's.

But the moment his eyes crashed with mine, my doubt gone. Face can be fake, fingers can be fake, but not the expression in his eyes. Indifferent, calmness...... That can't be imitated by someone else, never.

"Let's go."

Realising I've stared at him for a couple of seconds. Immediately drifted away my sight, I coughed awkwardly and replied with a nod.

Luckily he doesn't care about that, I got to focus along the way. This tomb has been here long before I've born, the walls and ground are covered with dust and web.

I stepped carefully across the dusty path, never thought that there is something beneath the layer of dust, until my torchlight shone on the wall.

Wiped off the dust, several nicks appeared upon my eyes, identically carved on every slate, curved, straight, bend... It's like engraved at random, without any regular pattern.

"What is this?" I asked, as I wiped my finger on the black stain on the bottom of these nicks and smelled it.

A sense of flower essence along with a hint of blood. What kind of flower is that?

I looked at Zhang Qiling, who was frowning and pondering, and he obviously had no clue about the fragrance of flowers.

"Let's move." He said, I hummed in reply, maybe we can find some answers ahead.

Withered veins started appeared, stuck on the rock surface, the more we gone deeper, the more we found, the brighter the colour it got. Not like the greenish red colour vein we have met in the cave earlier, it has a pure greenish colour, purer than any green I could see on a plant.

The path connected to a enormous hall, neither the height nor the width can be illuminated by the long-range torchlight. The flower essence became stronger and stronger along the way.

White fog flowing over ankle, barely allowing us to see the ground. We walked carefully, stayed alert but curious about the purpose of building this huge hall. Wondering how much man power Wang Zanghai used to build this.

A touch of faint red slowly appeared in our sight, clearer and wider as we moved forward. Steps stopped at the edge of that red, I crouched down and waved away the fog. A dark red bloom filled my sight. Pupils constricted, I looked at it with disbelief.

In the legend, that said to be only be seen at the junction of life and death, feeds on thoughts of people after death...

Red spider lily.

...... [tbc.]

Sorry guys, I want to update my story but I have to sit for my exam in August and followed by exam in Nov-Dec. Yeah, I have finished my exam and voilà, I here again!!🤣

But here's the bad news, I need to sit for my final big big big (important things said three times) exam before I graduate from my secondary school, so from Jan 2022 onward, I will be gone for a while. But rest assure, I will be back in Apr. Wish me good luck in SPM!! Also wish every Malaysian reader, especially form 5 students can get flying colour in SPM! Same wish for other readers, for who will be sitting for exam, keep fighting!!! (in malaysia slang: ADD OIL!!!😎😎🤣)

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