Two - Reunion

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I looked in the direction he'd pointed, and exhaled, stunning, looking at the body that have been hung on a tree. The vein we just met before had pierced through his chest, swirled around his body like a snake.


"What?" She intended to see what going on but I blocked her sight, "We need to move now."

She tutted and tried to pull my hand out of her sight, "Stop treating me like a child!"

"Watch your back!"

Warned Xiao Wu as Qi Xin pulled me down with her, and we fell onto the ground. The next second, something grabbed my leg and dragged me up to the mid air, together with Qi Xin.

I cut the rope between us agilely and shouted, "Follow the marks on the trees and head back to Yu as fast as you can!"

"What about you?"

"Don't mind about me, just go!"

"No, I'm not gonna dump you here, Ling." Qi Xin struggling to help me, but she suddenly startled, the whole person froze. I knew she saw the bloody scene behind me, yelled, "Xiao Wu, go!"

Xiao Wu did what I said as he dragged her away from here. Looking at Qi Xin's startled look, reminded me of myself ten years ago. I was still a newbie, never been through these things, in the moment I walked into the tomb, I'm just stunned by many things I thought was a fake popped into my sight. 

All I can remember was Uncle San scolding me of touching without permission, Pangzi's laughing, Panzi's unforgettable singing, and...... his eyes...... his indifferent dark eyes. 

I stayed still and slowed down my breath, bringing a sign of dead body to the vein as it can't sense my moves. The height between my head and the ground became shorter and shorter, I peeked at the vein that grabbed me, and cut off that thing once at a time.

I fell heavily onto the ground, and kicked that thing off my leg. As I got up and wanted to head back to them, I heard someone talking.

"Xiao Wu..." It's Renzi.​ I turned around and saw his mouth was moving, "Renzi?"

"Xiao Wu..." He kept repeating the same words. I slowly walked toward the tree, the scene had me stunned. The vein not only passed through his chest, but also his head, that thing knows how to control the prey to lure the others!


A bleak cry had dragged me back to the reality. It's close... I followed the sound, and saw another exactly like Renzi. He still keeping the look of horror before death, eyes and mouth widen terrified.

Something fell off his wrist, it's a watch, with a familiar flower pattern carved in the back of it. Flower pattern... The Xie family crest!? That means he'd came!

A gust of wind blew through, I knew what was it without even thinking. I squatted down, knife drove towards it. T he stern was unexpectedly thick, even the tip of the knife that was stained with blood could not get the slightest hit.

Creepy crying sound rang, piercing my ears. I was shocked as I saw the vein in front of me suddenly fell onto the ground and struggled like a cut-off octopus hand.

Another breeze flowed toward me. I subconsciously took a few steps back, and defended with my knife. With a touch of grey, both hit together, making a loud 'Clang' sound.

... What!?

I didn't have time to react. The blade slightly leaning to one side, hit me straight on my neck, sharp edge pricking it, causing it to bleed.

My neck had became my sensitive part after that cut-throated incident. Intellect was driven by fear and mad, I hit back. I don't know who is this, but if he wants to kill me, I won't let him be! I swifted my knife nimbly and started to attack.

He seems startled with my moves, but just a second, he swiped his blade. I dare not say that my skills are very strong, but for the most, I am the kind of person who can subdue others with a just few tricks.

Judging from his moves and steps, I could tell he's not in the list of 'The most', even greater than those two I've known.

Such skills are comparable to the blue-robed Tibetan, and I could only think of that person.

Just then I only realised the carving on that knife, I couldn't believe my eyes, wasn't that was the carving I carved on his knife years ago?

This doubt confirms my thought.

"Zhang Qiling..." I whispered softly. The man seems dazed for a moment before he asked, "Who are you?"

I refused to answer his question, as I started to ran, trying to get him off my back. He came with Xie Yuchen, if I didn't get wrong, Pangzi and Hei Xiazi definitely here. Plan need to be changed now.

He still chasing me, and in his speed, he will catch up with me in no time. Need to think a way to get off him...

"Aah!" I didn't realised a vein came on my nine, it hit me and I bumped onto a tree trunk on my back. Not even a time for reaction, it swirled around me. The tiny sharp thorns stung into my skin, it felt like hundreds of needles were stinging me once at a time, giving me a continuous-pricking.

Suddenly the vein let go of me, like a reflex action when a hand touched a hot object. I fell on the ground heavily, feeling dizziness on my head. The vein is poisonous...That's what flashed over my mind. A paint of dark blue came into my eyes, and everything went blurred in my sight, darkened, black...



"Hey, wake up." I felt something cold, slapping my cheek.

"Finally awake, lucky boy, not much can survive that poison, " Hei Xiazi said, and asked, "So, who are you? And where you from?"

Rolling my eyes, did you ask people that way? I mean, anyone who's a hard-mouthed will never split out, right?

"Hey, say anything, dummy!" Pangzi aside seems a little bit impatient, but I ignored him, looked around. I'm in the cave, My hands were tied up with a rope, do they really think this can trap me?

Some were Xie family's, some were Wu family's, Kan Jian, Liuzi, Wang Meng... Li Cu... Wait a minute, why are they doing here!?

Slap. Xie Yuchen closed his phone, and glanced at me, said, "What's your purpose? "

I chuckled lightly, "Why should I tell you? "

"Hmm, quite stubborn, but loyal. Too bad you are on the other side.  Either easy way or hard way, you prefer which?"

I remained silent. A mean flashed by his eyes, nodded with a smile, "Xiazi, do it."

Hei Xiazi shrugged, as he followed his order. He caught my wrist, and dislocated in a blink of eye. A dull pain struck to my mind, cold sweat all over my forehead. If he is a little harder, this hand will be useless, forever.

"Say it."

"That's all you got?" His face darkened, "Continue."

"Xia, " As Hei Xiazi wanted to continue, Zhang Qiling suddenly called out his name. Hei Xiazi turned his head over him, so were the others, he was staring at the fog, which was thicker than before, giving me a illusion of a white cloth covering the entrance.

"Xiao'ge, what's wrong?" Pangzi asked. He didn't answer, I can't see his face, but I could sense the cautioness in him, it's telling me something coming at us.

...... [tbc.]

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