Three - Attack

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"Xiao'ge, what's wrong?" Pangzi asked. He didn't answer, I can't see his face, but I could sense the cautioness in him, it's telling me something coming at us.


Rustling sound, like the sound of leaves rubbing, like the sound of thousands walking insects,  At that moment, I seemed to have returned to the Qixing Lu Palace, thousands of corpses came out from all around, but because his Kylin blood, they did not dare to approach.

I looked at the man standing in front the cave, staring at the sound source. He seems to sense my sight dropped on him, slightly turned his head but didn't give me a look.

Poker face. That's the word came up in my mind. Expressionless filled up his indifferent faces, even though when he sensed danger. He's fearless, nothing can shake his emotions, nothing.

Drawing back my thinking, suddenly I remembered Yu whispering to himself when we arrived, I could only heard some of it:

Time has reached, strangling lives.

Can't go deep, can't escape.

A bad hunch came into my mind, I whispered, "Please don't be the same as I thought."

"Thought how good you were, " Pangzi teased, and pointed at Poker face, "Zhang Qiling, the man like a god, killing any monsters like a piece of cake, even King Yama need to take a detour when he meets him."

Of course I know how good he is, so he is to me, the god of my life, the only obsession which keeping me from collapsing...

"That thing outside wasn't that easy to deal with."

"What do you mean?" Xie Yuchen asked with a dubious look. A creepy crying sound interrupted my words, from the vein sliced under Poker face's blade, resounding through the cave.

A couple minutes of silent, we thought nothing gonna happen, I saw something moving on the cave roof, Li Cu obviously noticed, he asked, "Was I wrong, or there really something on the roof?"

Hei Xiazi and Xie Yuchen shone their flashlight to the cave roof, others lit up their. Everyone gasped. That was not 'something', but the veins!

"What are they doing?" Liuzi asked.

"Outflank, " Poker-face gazed Hei Xiazi. He nodded, and headed into the dark hole on the side. With the beam of his flashlight, I realized that it was a stone door with a few lines of words engraved on it, and nine grids under the words, each with some patterns engraved on it.

"Pangzi, look after him." Xie Yuchen demanded, and went up to Hei Xiazi. The blood vein soon crawled over the whole cave, and started to attack us.

"Stay here, dummy. " Pangzi grabbed his knife and started to defend. Just me sitting on the floor watching the show of veins vs men. Some men were caught by the veins, they can't break out but screamed for help.

Just a blink of eye, the men' skin were wrinkled like an old man in their nineties, and the calls in their mouths became weaker.Only a skinny corpse remained in the next second. The spot on their bodies gave me a conclusion: They ate them by sucking the blood of the prey!

I don't know if it is an illusion, but suddenly I feel that the color of the blood vines dangling in front of me has become more bright red.

A blood vein facing me, oh god, don't tell me I am it's next target. Enduring the pain, I slammed my wrist against the wall, and with a click, I took the joint back. The vein swirled toward me, I dodged it attack, and rolled to the side.

It still don't give up, but rushed to me. In the moment it touched me, it retreated. I looked down, there are some blood stain on my cloth, blood... That's right, my blood can stop them!

"The door has opened! Everyone fall back!" Hei Xiazi yelled. Poker face held me up, "Go, now!"

He placed his hand on the blade, I stop him and said, "This tomb have something that restraining your blood, use mine."

Not waiting his reaction, I reopened the cut on my palm with his blade and threw my hand to the air. Blood flew out and drew out a blood line on the sand. The veins sensed the danger of blood, dare not to close close but retreat, yet still stayed outside the cave.

"Can't hold them for long, let's go."

Poker face frowned, but said nothing. He used a dagger to cut off the rope that bound my wrist, took out a bandage from his bag and threw it to me, said, "Don't hold us back. " Then he went into the hole, leaving me stood blankly.

Is he... caring about me? Nah, impossible! With his cold personality, he never talk to strangers, not even mention about asking them to deal with wounds. But anyway, what did he do in the bronze gate in those ten years? Get triggered by something or what? How come out he became humane?

There's a long tunnel behind the stone door. I caught up with the group in a turn, stopped at the fork of the road. Three tunnels lies ahead, engulfed in darkness. Each corresponding to North, Northeast, and East respectively.

Prolong life,
to get longevity.

Life extension is Kanshui in Feng Shui Eight Diagrams, which means that the correct doorway lies in the north.

"The left one." I said. Didn't know when Hei Xiazi came to me, he leered and putting his arms on his shoulders, said cheerfully, "Quite good in Feng Shui, huh? I curious about which faction you're in, why don't you tell me?"

Rolled my eyes.

"Mn. North in Feng Shui Eight Diagram means prolong life. Wang Zang Hai is a Feng Shui Master, won't be ignorant of this." Xie Yuchen squinted at me and he beckoned the troops to follow.

Everything's normal, it's just that his eyes seem a little gloomy.

As if I have offended him.

...... [tbc.]

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