Six - Mi Tuo Luo

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"Mi tuo luo."

I felt poker face hand froze for a second, but I ignored him, grabbing my knife tight, "Square up! Till the gateway open!"

I took a defensive stance facing toward the tunnel in the dark, whispered.

"I'll not allow you to hurt him again!"

Having experience dealing with them before, it's a lot easier this time. Swifting the dagger and stabbed right on their chest, released the snake and kill it......

Every move seems familiar, or I'd say, they are overlapping with my memories.

Dagger drifted towards the snake's head, blood splashed out when it's head dismembered from the body.

Every move makes my heart pounding fast, eyes kept swifting onto Poker face not far from me.

Although we'd striked quick, lots of them still coming in the way, can't see an end for that. We've soon reached our limit.

"Ouch!" suddenly Jin shouted behind me, "that's hurt!!"

I drifted my sight on him after kicking down one of the Mi Tuo Luo, then I saw a dark greenish snake swirled around his leg, mouth opened wide and the fangs were completely sank into his flesh.
It seems to sucking his blood, but kinda in a weird way...... Can't tell that.

Jin stabbed his knife into the snake's head and pulled it out firmly, banging on the wall and it fell onto the ground lifelessly.

Some jade-greenish liquid seeped out the fangs holes on his leg. He frowned in doubt, I let Lee replaced me and checked on his wound. Got the liquid on my finger, I put it under my nose and smelled it.

"Gosh!" It was not the smell of ordinary snake blood, more fishy than any of the snake's I've known, ​​and there was a faint smell of pheromones, which I've already expected.

"Any unusual feeling?" Simply wipe off the liquid on Jim's trousers, I asked. He looked at the place I just wiped with disgust and replied, "No. And don't do that again."

Ignored that.

"The gateway!" Lee shouted in excitement. I looked at the direction he shouted, a gateway just appeared in a small gap.

Poker face still fighting with them, agile in action but I know he's reaching his limit too. The opening time need to be fastened. 

I put my hand on the wall, simply pressing and letting go. With a 'clank' sound as I expected, the moving speed of the wall obviously quicken.

"Zha-" my eyes suddenly went blur, followed by a strong pain hit my head, I can't even stand but to kneel down, curled up trying to ease the pain. Someone shouting in the dark, as if being tortured, I felt heart-wrenching in the shout.

It was, but then it changed. The shout getting higher pitch, higher and higher, piercing my ears into a burst of blood. I covered it away from the sound, but useless. I screamed in pain, I felt I did, like a deaf can't hear any sound including oneself.

I just wanted to bumped my head onto the wall and relief from that with loss conscious, and in fact, I did that, but felt nothing, even the pain strongly I felt on my head after I regained my conscious.

The last thing I could remembered, is his enlarged face in front of my eyes.

...... [tbc.]

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