670 days after Summer

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670 days since the heartache
I have seen and gone through a whirlwind of life changes
In some of those days,
You appeared in some form that fades away just as fast as you did 670 days ago
In the movies I watch
In the music I listen to
Even in the books that I read
You were gone just as soon as I reached the epilogue

On day 70, I met my Autumn
The million tiny shattered pieces of my heart that you broke?
He picked it up little by little
And put it back together
In the simplest of ways you can never imagine
With words
Which was the only one thing I've always needed

By day 150,
With pretty words I address my feelings
They were as not as pretty as I have done for you, my dear
But while Autumn's rejection has gotten a single tear out from my eye,
Your countless "maybes" had caused a whole flood in my house once
So I vowed, "Never again."

It's day 670
Autumn is still here to keep me cozy
Sure he's not mine to lose
But he's mine forever to keep
He and I made sure of that
I'm here to tell you that I am finally happy
Even without the romantic love like we used to promise

It's been 670 days since
And there you are
Sitting on the throne that you built
With the qualities you gained throughout the years
With courage, confidence and beyond
Never have I imagined this day will come so soon
With your beautiful queen beside you
Flowers, gold rings and all
I think that no gold is more expensive than that smile on your face that I've rarely ever seen
The look of love in your face makes my heart flutter

Hey Summer,
Are you happy too?
I hope the answer is finally not "Maybe"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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