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    The chancellor of the Galactic Republic, the most powerful woman in the galaxy, stood outside a military stronghold built inside a mountain on the uninhabited world of Daro. The base itself was top secret, and relatively close to Mustafar, making it the perfect rendezvous.
    She'd left her Jedi bodyguards, Deppa Bilaba and Caleb Dume inside while she "got some air," when really she was just waiting with bated breath for a ship to appear. The wind rustled through the vast, lush forest, as Padme held her shoulders in a nervous manner.
    Her only companion was R2D2, who waited beside her, scanning the sky for his friends' return. She figured it wouldn't be long before Captain Gregor started looking for her, but as soon as she turned around, the astromech began beeping with excitement.
    A shuttle appeared in the bright blue sky and Chancellor Amidalla's face broke into a relieved smile so wide her cheeks hurt. The shuttle landed a click or so away, and she ran after it, R2 close behind. Scanners must have detected a ship incoming, and her heart dropped when she saw the medical lift zoom ahead of her.
    When she caught up to the attack shuttle landed in a grassy clearing, she was too late to see who it carried off. Anakin was standing alone in the clearing, watching worriedly as the transport sped back to the base. His hair was standing at all kinds of odd angles, he had a couple minor scratches on his face, his clothes were scorched and singed and ripped, and he was covered head to toe in ash, but he looked fine, alive and well at the very least.
    Padme stopped at the edge of the clearing, trying to see anyone else, but it looked to be just her husband, who quickly noticed her presence. She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck, holding on to him as tight as she could, fighting back tears. He wrapped his arms around her and held her just as tight.
    After a moment she pulled away and frantically took his face in her hands worriedly looking it over. "Are you ok?! Did you find Luke and Leia? Ahsoka? Who was the medical lift for? Is everyone alright? You're not hurt are you?!"
    "Hey love, I'm fine, see?" He gently took her hand into his and placed it on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat. It calmed her down a bit and she closed her eyes, resting her forehead against his.
    "The lift was for Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. They both got pretty banged up, but they'll be fine. I sent everyone with them to get checked out. We got the kids, they're safe," He assured her softly.
    Padme nodded and rested her cheek against his chest, letting the sound of his heart steady her own. Anakin hugged her tight, tenderly kissing the top of her head. She had no idea how long they stayed like that, til she relaxed at least. She desperately wanted to see her children, but didn't want to scare them any more with her distress.
    After a while, Anakin took her hand in his and the two of them walked back to the base, meeting R2 along the way. Anakin smiled and patted the top of the little droid, then kept walking. When they arrived in the infirmary, they were greeted by the chief medical director, a young Pantoran woman, probably the same age as Padme, with a lovely turquoise complexion decorated with delicate green markings, lavender hair she had pulled back into a bun, and kind gold eyes.
    Doctor Azura smiled when they entered, greeting them warmly.
"Chancellor, I'm happy to inform you that your children are perfectly fine, only slightly malnourished. I have them on IV's now, they should be fully recovered within an hour or so."
    Padme nodded, relieved. "And what of Master Kenobi and Master Tano?"
Doctor Azura handed Padme a data pad and crossed her arms. "Both are currently sedated and being kept in bacta tanks, Master Kenobi had four broken ribs and some internal bleeding, but those should mend quickly. As for Master Tano, her main problem was muscle degradation, dehydration, and malnutrition. She had second degree burns on her hands and a pretty deep cut on her leg, but those should heal quickly as well. The troopers are all fine, mostly very minor injuries, if any at all. They were sent back to their barracks to rest."
    Padme nodded and her husband squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, "Can we see them?"
    Doctor Azura nodded and gestured to a door on the other wall before someone got her attention and she left the two to their own devices. Padme had to stop herself from running, instead keeping a quick, even pace. She pushed open the door to Luke and Leia sitting on a cuishined examination table. Just as the doctor said, they were both hooked up to IV's and looked perfectly fine. They had fresh clothes on and were sipping juice boxes and watching cartoons.
    Luke saw his mother first and his face lit up brighter than any star. He jumped down from the table and ran to her, his arms outstretched, and she knelt down to greet him. "Mama!"
    Leia immediately followed suit, and the two practically tackled Padme to the floor. She wrapped her arms around them and hugged them tight, repeatedly kissing their faces all over.
    "Oh my darlings, I'm so happy you're safe!" she told them, fighting back tears. Padme had gone through a lot in her short lifetime. But she didn't think anything ever compared to the devastation of losing her children. She loved her family more than anything, hence her dedication to a life of public service in politics. She wanted them to grow up in a better galaxy than she and Anakin did. And she wanted to set that example for them, that they could have more than one purpose in life.
    They didn't have to just be Jedi, or politicians, or pilots, or freedom fighters, or anything. She wanted them to know that their future could be anything they wanted it to be, and she wanted them to be able to live their lives in peace. She didn't want them to fight their entire lives as she and Anakin had. Her life of politics and the senate were important to her, but as she held the center of her entire universe here in her arms, she was reminded that they were who she did it for.
    "We blew up a castle!" Luke proclaimed excitedly.
"Daddy killed a spider!" Leia added.
    Padme gave Anakin a sideways look that said he'd explain later. It was probably a pretty long story.

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