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The Grandmaster of the Jedi Order stayed seated as her council left the room, watching Aayla Secura share brief words with the ancient Master Sinube as they walked out. The door closed behind him, and Ahsoka Tano's tired eyes fell on the empty council seat across from her. She had taken over the Jedi Order months ago, but knew there was the expectation she would fill the spot soon.
The transition of power from Yoda to herself was much easier than she thought it would be. Most Jedi respected her authority and didn't resist the changes and reforms she'd begun carrying out. Most of the oldest masters appreciated the separation of the Jedi from Republic affairs, however some thought she was too young to make such drastic decisions.
She buried her face in her hands and sighed. Even when she was fighting nonstop on the front lines of a war she hadn't been this tired. She needed guidance from someone, but Yoda had discouraged her from taking counsel from the previous council members, to avoid having the same problems come up again, and that she should simply trust herself.
She wished she had as much faith in herself as Yoda had in her. She didn't realize just how demanding not only heading the Order would be, but carrying out the reforms she knew needed to be done as soon as possible. She looked out the window at the fiery sunset casting an orange glow over the Coruscant skyline, and yearned for nothing more than the comfort of her bed. She couldn't remember the last time she actually slept, and hadn't just dozed off while meditating or holding council meetings.
Her eyelids felt heavy, and she pulled her cloak tighter over her shoulders. She closed her eyes for a moment and heard the door to the council chambers open. "If you're here about a padawan inquiry, please see Master Secura or Master Vannas for any openings," she said tiredly, her voice heavy with exhaustion.
"Oh, I've already had plenty of padawans, Master Tano." came a familiar voice.
Ahsoka perked up a bit, managing to give Obi-Wan a halfhearted smile. He was standing in front of her holding two cups of tea. He handed her one, and she took it gratefully. "What brings you all the way up here? I thought I assigned you to accompany Commander Cody on a relief mission in the 162nd level."
"Ahsoka, that was a week ago,"
". . .oh." she sipped on the tea, avoiding his eyes.
Obi-wan sat cross legged on the floor in front of her, his brow furrowed in concerned fashion. "Ahsoka, the grandmaster needs to sleep, just like anyone else."
"I do sleep," she insisted.
Obi-wan raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes I forget just how much you've become like Anakin."
She chuckled halfheartedly, and sipped on her cup thoughtfully. "How is he? And the twins?"
"Why don't you visit them yourself?"
"Master Kenobi, I barely have time to eat." she paused, then asked him what was bothering her. "Obi-Wan, who should I give the last seat to?"
He looked up from his cup curiously, raising his eyebrows. "Oh now Ahsoka, you know I've been advised not to tell you what to do as a former council member."
"I know, so then answer as a friend."
"I think you already know who that seat belongs to."
"I don't think that decision would go over very well," she lamented.
"But it is your decision, is it not?"
"It is. It's just not an easy one. I know who I should choose, but also who I need to choose."
"Then the decision is already made," Obi-Wan replied.
"I suppose. . .'' she pondered, trailing off. She picked up her holopad and looked over it for a moment. "Following the end of the Clone Wars, a civil war broke out on Dango after the Seperatist occupation ended. I want you to go with Master Secura and Master Vos to see what you can do to help negotiate peace."
Obi-Wan took another sip of his tea, "Are Republic forces on site?"
Ahsoka nodded. "They're currently providing relief to civilians, but we need a neutral party to stop the fighting. The Republic can't officially intervene, or they'll be drawn back into another war."
"A wise decision, Master Tano. I'm sure my charisma will be essential in ending the conflict."
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Of course. Just try not to die, please? I'd really prefer not to attend your funeral for the second time in two years."
Obi-Wan chuckled, "I'll try my best."
He stood up, and offered Ahsoka his hand. "I suggest you go to bed, Master Tano."
She took his hand and heaved herself to her feet. "But I still need to talk to Jocasta about the the holocrons, and sign off on demilitarizing the Order, and making code amendments and-"
"Ahsoka." Obi-Wan interrupted firmly. "All that will still be there in the morning," he assured. "The Jedi Order won't fall to pieces if you get some rest."
"That's an order."
"You don't outrank me anymore."
"Fine. As your grand-master, I'm requesting, you please, for the love of the Force, get some sleep."
"Alright, I'll go to bed."
"And I'll get something to eat."
"And I'll take an hour off?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Fine. I'll start back up again at noon tomorrow. I just- don't want people to think I'm not taking this seriously."
"Ahsoka no one thinks that. If anything you worry us when you walk around the temple looking like a reanimated Night Sister."
She laughed and started towards the door. "Have a good night, Master Kenobi."
"And you as well, padawan." He didn't use the term of her old rank in a condescending manner, instead as an affectionate term, for someone he'd always regard as a student of his, no matter how old she got. It took some time to forgive Obi-Wan for the trial fiasco, but she was grateful for his unconditional support from the moment Yoda made his declaration.
She took another sip of her tea, and started towards her chambers, which were the same as when she was a padawan. She nodded to other masters and smiled at younglings as she went, trying to hide her weariness. She finally made it back to her room, and flopped on the bed, sighing loudly. She didn't even bother changing into her nightclothes, instead crawling under the blankets, and relishing in their comfort.
Her thoughts once again wandered back to the empty council seat and who she should choose to fill it. She knew in her gut who's voice would be important when proposing and carrying out reformations, but the measures this Jedi went to in order to prove a point proved to be an area of complication.
She didn't have time to dwell on it however, and immediately drifted off into a deep, peaceful slumber.

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