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    Anakin Skywalker swung his lightsaber in an upward arc, deflecting a volley of blaster bolts. He tore around a corner, narrowly missing the nearest wall exploding into a volley of flames. Gasping for air, he spun around and deflected another round of blasts, using the smoke as cover to put some distance between him and the clones, careful to make sure they didn't lose him completely.
    There was a lot of indiscernible shouting behind him, probably calling for reinforcements. Good. Every trooper after him was one less after Ahsoka. Using the Force as he ran, he ripped the steel panels from the walls, and upended the floor, leaving a clear, easy to follow, path of destruction.
    He stumbled to a stop around another corner, suppressing a coughing fit. He felt like he'd swallowed an entire vat of acid, he leaned against the wall, wheezing, trying to catch his breath. He didn't know how much longer he could keep this up, but he couldn't stop. The second he was dead, so was Ahsoka and the entire Jedi Order.
    He was suddenly struck with a horrible realization. Luke and Leia were technically Jedi Younglings. There was no guarantee that Padme's status as Chancellor would protect them. He had to make sure that Order 66 wouldn't get out, even if it killed him.
    Reinvigorated, Anakin took off running again, using the Force along with his lightsaber to send blue laser bolts flying into the walls. He kept running, not even paying attention to where he was even going anymore. Just away from the Medbay. Which is why it shouldn't have come as a surprise when he ran right into ARC Trooper Reese's infantry. Now he was trapped in a corridor, with no exits, and dozens of clones on either side.
    Cursing, he tore off another section of the wall and held it up as a makeshift shield as he used his lightsaber to cut a hole through the wall. He flung the hunk of durasteel into his pursuers and dove through his haphazard escape, narrowly missing another round of blasterfire. He smacked onto the floor of the next hall with a loud thud, but quickly pulled himself back to his feet, trying to ignore the blinding pain in his shoulder. He deflected a couple more shots, then took off running again. He put his comlink to his face, struggling to get the words out in strangled wheezes. "He-How much lo-longer Ahsoka?!"
    His only response was warbled static. Cursing, Anakin kept on running, making as many disorienting turns as possible, tearing up the corridors as he went. He could sense just how many troopers were on his tail, nearly 100, at least.
    Unfortunately he was losing steam, and they were only gaining more ground. When the Jedi glanced behind him he saw they were only a few yards away. He ducked even more blasterfire, but they were gaining fast. He had to run backwards to deflect the onslaught of lasers, which only caused them to get closer and closer. Panicking, Anakin tried to come up with a plan, but he was fresh out of ideas.
    Suddenly, he tripped backwards and landed hard on his back. At that moment, he was fairly sure that this was gonna be how he died. After everything he survived, he was going to meet death at the hands of his own troopers. He just hoped he'd bought Ahsoka enough time.
    Instinctively raising his lightsaber in one final stand, he finally got a good look at who was chasing him. In the forefront, Anakin recognized ARC Trooper Reese, a good natured, if stubborn guy who was unconditionally loyal to a fault. After Anakin had risked an entire Republic victory on Anaxes to save Reese's company, he'd been one of the legion's most dedicated soldiers.
    Sergeant Viper was right next to him. His armor was painted with snakes along the greeves and boots in 501st blue, similar to the distinctive snake tattoos on his face and neck. Viper was intimidating, but had one of the weirdest senses of humor ever, and never failed to make his men laugh so hard they cried.
    He recognized so many others in their ranks, and knew in his soul he couldn't bring himself to kill them. They were his friends, they'd served alongside him for years, and had continued their service even after the war ended. This wasn't their fault, and their old general knew it.
    Suddenly, a door between them snapped closed, and Anakin found himself completely separated from what he'd assumed to be certain death. He looked to the door panel and saw the last person in the entire galaxy he could've expected to see standing with her finger on the control pad.
    Her dark hair had grown out quite a bit, and was now pulled back in a braid over her shoulder. She was dressed in a charcoal gray prison jumpsuit, not unlike the dark robes she used to wear. The Mirelian woman was slightly taller than before, and her night-sky blue eyes looked completely unsurprised.
    "You make quite the mess, Master Skywalker," Barriss Offee pointed out calmly.
Anakin sprang to his feet and ignited his lightsaber. "What-" he wheezed, "are you doing here?"
    Barriss eyed him up and down warily. "They moved me here after the war ended. This is a prison for rogue Jedi, is it not?" she sighed and crossed her arms. "The clones opened up my cell to execute me, and I escaped."
    Anakin scowled and narrowed his eyes at her.
"I didn't kill them, if that's what you're thinking," she said defensively.
    Anakin opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the seal on the door beginning to fail, no doubt the clones trying to break through.
    "Ugh, come on. I want you where I can see you. Try anything funny, and you're dead," he growled before taking off again. Barriss followed, and the two of them took off again, the clones hot on their heels.
    "What's going on?!" Barriss yelled over the commotion. A few clones appeared in front of them, and before Anakin could react, she used the Force to knock their helmets together, sending all four of them crumpling to the floor.
    "The clones are doing this against their will, and we're the distraction, that's all you need to know!" he hollered, deflecting a series of shots and disappearing around the corner, Barriss following closely behind. The two of them seemed to nonverbally work out some kind of system where Anakin held off the clones, and his unlikely ally created the path of destruction in their wake. Despite being locked up for over a year, Barriss's training still held up remarkably well.
    He had no idea how long it had been since he left Ahsoka and Rex in the Medical Wing. Could've been a few minutes, or an hour, he had no idea. Unfortunately, the clones were getting increasingly bolder with their attacks, recognizing that their prey didn't want to kill them. Defending himself without actually hurting anyone was getting increasingly difficult.
    Anakin and Barriss ducked behind a wall, where she picked up a trooper's blaster and had begun firing stun blasts around the corner. Wracking his brain to think of something, another crazy, stupid idea, his thoughts were inturrupted by a voice breaking through his comm device.
    "Anakin! Anakin, can you hear me?"
Anakin sent a flash of blue spiraling into the nearest wall. "Roger roger Snips," he replied. A grenade appeared at their feet and he quickly slashed through it, narrowly missing getting blown up.
    "Thank the Force! Look, I got Rex and Kix's chips out, but I think we have a way we can disable all the chips at once," Ahsoka explained.
    Anakin slashed through a nearby control panel, sending the archway snapping closed. "How much time do you need?"
    "As much as you can give us."
He looked at Barriss who gave him a quick nod that told him everything he needed to know. "We'll do our best," he promised.
Suddenly, the door exploded open. Anakin leapt backward and sprinted in the opposite direction. He could hear Barriss following closely behind stunning troopers as she went. He deflected blasts where he could, but for every clone they incapacitated, three more took their place. Although he had to admit, it was easier with help.Gritting his teeth with frustration, he cut a hole in the floor, jumping down into the level below it. The Citadel was a maze of traps and twists and turns, but that seemed to be working to their advantage.
    Working together, the unlikely team put as much distance as they could between themselves, and the infirmary.

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