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    Leia was the first to spot them when they arrived at Anakin and Padme's apartment. The little girl was sitting playing with a couple of model starships her father had made for her in the middle of the floor. When she saw Anakin, her face lit up, and she scrambled to her feet, running to him as fast as her little legs could take her.
"Daddy!" she cried delightedly. Leia jumped at Anakin, flinging her arms around his neck and giggling happily. "Hey sweetie!" He greeted his daughter, smiling wide and kissing her on the cheek. She grabbed a hold of the leather neckline of his robes and tugged a bit, "Where did you go? What did you see?" Anakin lightly tapped her on the nose, "I'll tell ya over dinner."
It was then that Luke came running around the corner, closely followed by Padme and R2D2. She was wearing a gauzy white satin gown with floral embroidery and a soft navy blue shrug, and R2 beeped and whirred happily. Luke hugged Anakin's leg, beaming with excitement, "Daddy! You came back!"
Leia was currently in the process of trying to climb over Anakin's shoulder to get to Ahsoka, who took her happily, walking into the main area of the apartment.
    Anakin lifted Luke up off the ground, tossing him into the air and catching him in a big bear hug, "Course I did, Buddy. I'll always come back home." Luke caught sight of Obi-Wan over Anakin's shoulder and for a moment Kenobi worried the boy didn't remember who he was. Then Luke's face broke into a big smile and he waved at him, "Hi Obi-Wan!"
Obi-Wan grinned over the top of the boxes of food he was holding, then walked past Anakin, taking dinner into the dining room. Anakin passed Luke off to Rex, right in time for Padme to grab him by the face and practically yank him down to her level for a kiss. "You're late again, Ani."
Anakin smiled at her, and Obi-Wan watched as he looked at her like he always had, like she was above and beyond the most beautiful, wonderful thing he had ever seen. "Sorry, we took a detour. But, we brought dinner."
Ahsoka started toward the kitchen, Leia sitting up on her shoulders, "Good thing too, cuz I'm starving." She had Leia reach up into the cabinets to grab some glasses and started helping Obi-Wan set the table. Luke started pulling Rex into the other room, probably to show him something he was excited about. Padme took her husband by the hand and they walked over to the table, where Ahsoka had set Leia while she filled up glasses of water for everyone. Padme curiously opened one of the to-go boxes and looked inside,raising an eyebrow. "So, what is this?" she asked.
Anakin picked a piece off the edge and plopped it in her mouth. "Shawarma. Never had it before, but I hear it's delicious."
Ahsoka lightly shoved Anakin out of the way to set a plate on the table, "It beats military rations any day."
Anakin took the plates from Ahsoka and finished setting them out, while she shared a few brief words with Padme. Within a few minutes they were all sitting down and eating dinner, catching up on everything that had been going on. Luke was completely enamored by everything Obi-Wan had been doing in the outer rim, hanging on to his every word. The way he was just so eager to know about everything reminded Kenobi so much of his father. He had to admit, the shawarma was pretty good, especially after half the food he'd eaten on Jakku was either from a box or tube, and usually had sand in it. Ahsoka was talking to Padme about a new book series she found and intended to read someday, as if either of them had any free time to do so.
Leia was talking Rex's ear off about what all her and mommy did in the senate building that day, and how he wouldn't believe how many planets were in the galaxy, something Rex found amusing. Luke on the other hand got extremely bored by politics, not unlike his father, and spent most of the day following Ahsoka and or Master Yoda around the Jedi Temple. Leia often went with him, as she was fascinated by both the Jedi, and the world of politics.
Luke started eagerly pestering Obi-Wan and Anakin about when they would take him offworld with them, and they promised him that when he was older, they would. This prompted Leia to protest that she wanted to go too, and everyone assured her that of course if Luke was allowed to go, so was she.
After everyone was through with dinner, Luke 'helped' Anakin do the dishes, meaning he sat on the counter drinking a cup of milk while he asked his dad all kinds of questions. Ahsoka was looking for a movie to watch, while Leia had Obi-Wan and Rex play dolls with her. She had a bit of an odd imagination for a three-year-old, and somehow they got on track of Obi-Wan's doll being prosecuted for embezzlement.
Luke brought Obi-Wan a cup of tea, half of which he spilled on the floor, but it was a sweet gesture he greatly appreciated. A little while later they all wound up on the couch, watching a holo-movie that was apparently very popular on Naboo when Padme was young. Tatooine didn't have service and Kaminoans' ideas of entertaining young clones usually meant target practice, so of course Anakin and Rex had never seen it. As for Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, they grew up in the temple, where movies were deemed material possessions, and they were simply encouraged to meditate instead.
Padme and Anakin sat close beside each other on one end, Ahsoka and Leia were settled on the floor, and Luke sat between Rex and Obi-Wan, whispering questions about why the characters were doing what they were doing every three minutes. About halfway through the movie, Padme, Ahsoka, Leia, and Luke, had all fallen asleep, apparently the grandmaster had barely slept the night before, as she had gone down to the lower levels to fix a blown circuit board that left most of the families on that level without power. Padme was in a similar position, working since before dawn on rerouting funds to the education system, so she could have everything she needed to have done, finished, so she would have the entire evening free to spend time with her family.
It was late, and only Rex, Obi-Wan, and Anakin were still awake. Ahsoka had crashed on the couch, and Obi-Wan put a blanket over her, assuming she probably didn't want to walk all the way back to her room at the Temple. Rex picked up the twins and carried them to bed, leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan by themselves.
"Does this ever feel too good to be true to you, master?" Anakin asked.
Obi-Wan yawned, "Oh yes. After the last two months I've had, this feels like a dream."
Anakin gave a  slight smile to his old master then frowned, looking out the huge window at the Coruscant skyline. "What is it?" Obi-Wan asked.
"You don't feel it?"
Kenobi shook his head.
Anakin sighed and rubbed his eyes, "It's probably nothing," he clapped Obi-Wan on the shoulder, "Anyway, you want me to walk back to the temple with you?"
Obi-Wan shook his head, "Oh no, that's quite alright."
"You can always stay here. We have a guest room, you know."
"I would, but I have a meeting in the morning."
"Ah, I'm so glad Snips got me out of that one. So, I'm spending the morning with the kids."
"I thought you didn't like younglings."
"I like my younglings."
"Hmm, I'm inclined to agree," Obi-Wan patted him on the shoulder, "Well then, I'm off. Goodnight Anakin."
Rex appeared from around the corner and followed Obi-Wan to the door. "That makes two of us. Harley gets antsy when I leave him in charge for too long."
"Night guys, see you tomorrow."

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