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He watched Obi-Wan and Rex leave, then gently picked up Padme and carried her to bed, not wanting to wake her up. "Artoo, hit the lights, will ya?"
Anakin walked into their bedroom and laid her on the bed, covering her in the blankets and softly brushing the curls away from her face, planting a soft kiss on her forehead before laying down and turning off the lamp. He tried to sleep, but found himself unable to, resigning himself to just staring at the ceiling.
Everything great, his life was everything he had ever wanted it to be. The war was over, he had a wife he loved more than anything in the galaxy, two amazing kids, his mom was happy and well back on Tatooine, Ahsoka was back, he didn't have to constantly lie to Obi-Wan, or anyone for that matter. So why was the niggling feeling in the back of his head so persistent?
In her sleep, Padme rolled over and rested her head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest. Anakin noticed her smile softly as he wrapped his arm around her. He guessed she had grown accustomed to sleeping alone, and even in her sleep was happy to find he was there with her. Anakin sighed and closed his eyes, dozing off just slightly when he felt a familiar presence.
"I know you're there," he said, his eyes still closed. He turned his head and opened his eyes to see a pair of dark, doe brown ones staring back at him.
Anakin smiled and patted the top of Leia's head with his hand, "What's up?"
"I can't sleep, Daddy."
"You and me, both, kiddo."
"Can I not sleep with you?"
Anakin yawned, "Course you can."
Leia crawled up into their bed and laid on Anakin's arm, her long, wavy brown hair getting all over his face. She held a plush twi-lek doll in her hands, and studied it closely, one Anakin was pretty sure Aayla Secura had given to her. It was a pale shade of green, with carefully embroidered eyes and Jedi robes.
"Daddy, can I be a senator, and a Jedi?"
"Sweetheart, you can be anything you want to be."
"So I can have a lightsaber?"
"When you're old enough."
"I want a blue one, like yours."
"Whatever lightsaber you build will be just as special as you, Leia."
Leia yawned, and her eyes drooped with drowsiness, "Are you leaving again soon?"
"Not for a while, princess. I'm staying right here with you," he assured her.
Anakin's daughter rubbed her eyes and yawned again. "I'm glad. Mommy's sad when you're gone."
"Did she tell you that?"
"No, but I can feel it. She worries about you."
"Well, lucky for me, she has you to take care of her when I'm gone," Anakin kissed the top of her head. Leia didn't respond, and judging by her breathing, she'd fallen asleep, and Anakin quickly followed suit.

He was half awakened by someone kissing his cheek and the rustling of fabric. Anakin groggily groaned in protest and took a hold of Padme's hand.
"Ani, I have a meeting."
"Five more minutes?"
"Nope. I'll be back for lunch," she promised, squeezing his hand and leaving. A few minutes later, Anakin woke up completely to find that at some point, Luke had wound up in their bed as well, and Leia's foot had somehow wound up on his face. Careful not to wake them up, he stretched and threw on his robe, walking into the other room. Ahsoka was gone, she did have that conference with the order today. Bright sunlight shone through the apartment's massive windows, and Anakin fired up the stove and started cooking Kajuuki eggs and cereal.
After a few minutes, Luke joined him and sheepishly explained to his dad that he broke the Venator toy again and Anakin needed to fix it before Leia found out. Speaking of which, Leia had managed to reach the juice off the top shelf, and had poured herself a cup. Anakin could only assume she used the Force, or had simply used R2D2 as a stepstool.
They ate their breakfast and Luke told him all about everything Yoda had told him and the other younglings about the Force the day before, and how he was taller than the ancient master now. Shaak Ti had told him Yoda was old and tired of his constant questions, but was always patient with him. The boy tried moving his spoon with his mind, with no luck. Leia laughed at him, but stopped when she couldn't do it either. The both of them then begged Anakin to show them how, because they wanted to make the model ships he made them fly around. He had to laugh when he noticed Luke looking very worried when Leia said something about the Venator.
The feeling that had been nagging at Anakin was inexplicably gone, and he was able to fully enjoy his morning with his kids. They built more starships out of scrap metal, and used the Force to fly them around the apartment. They played with dolls, Anakin's was being accused of war crimes for some reason, and they watched a movie. They played hide and seek, which Leia was just a little too good at, and before they knew it, Padme was back for lunch.
Anakin was lounging on the couch reading through the address given to the Jedi Order. Leia was asleep with her head on his leg and Luke was slumped on his shoulder, drooling all over his shirt. Padme walked by and lightly ruffled his hair with her fingers before disappearing into the bedroom. He looked up at the beige colored wall and remembered something he thought of on Jakku, "Love, you think we have time to go visit my mother soon?"
Padme moved something in the other room, "Yes, actually, this weekend is a holiday for the Senate, so everyone's going back home to visit their families. We can stop at Naboo and visit my parents and sister while we're at it."
"Sounds great!" Anakin called after her.
"Did you remember the gala tonight?" she called from the other room.
"Ahh, should I have?"
Padme sighed, "Yes Ani, you're my date."
Anakin readjusted Luke as he started sliding backward awkwardly, "What's this for again?"
Padme reemerged holding two different evening gowns in either hand, "Representatives from the Seperatist planets are coming to meet with the Senate about rejoining the Republic. We're hosting a gala as a show of hospitality and good faith."
Anakin scratched his chin, "Are you sure it's a good idea for me to go? I kinda killed the leader of their military."
"That's why you have to go, Ani," She held up both dresses, "The black one or the red one?"
"I think you look beautiful in both of them."
"That's not helpful."
"But it's true! You look amazing in anything."
"But which one do you like better?"
"Go with the black, it's less aggressive," someone called from across the room.
Anakin whipped his head around to see Ahsoka standing by the door, making her way towards them.
"Thank you!" Padme called before disappearing back into their bedroom.
"Snips, what are you doing back here?"
Ahsoka reached down and picked up Leia, who was already starting to stir from her nap, "I told Padme I'd watch the kids tonight, I do it all the time."
"Why are you here so early then?"
Ahsoka raised a brow and looked Anakin up and down, "Because you need all the time you can get to fix all-" she made a circular gesture with her hand, "that."
Anakin frowned and ruffled his hair a bit, "It's not that bad."
Padme reemerged in a robe with her curls up in a scarf and a face mask on, "Anakin, you always come back looking like you haven't taken care of yourself in months."
Leia started groping for Ahsoka's lightsabers and the grandmaster moved them out of the toddler's reach, "Did he tell you he got stabbed?"
Chancellor Amidalla threw her hands up in exasperation, "No! Seriously?"
"Whaaat, it was an accident."
"I don't know what I'm going to do with you," She sighed mostly goodnaturedly. Padme kissed Leia on the forehead, then lightly picked up a still sleeping Luke and handed him to his aunt. "I'll see you later tonight," she promised them.
Anakin stood up and stretched, "I'll go shave then," he grumbled, rubbing the scratchy brown stubble on his jaw. Anakin watched Ahsoka leave, waving goodbye to Leia as she smiled at him from over the Jedi's shoulder before disappearing out the door.

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