somethings to know about me

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So if you don't know I am a very secretive person. Infact I have only told one person in my class I have a wattpad account. So here are some things to know about me

Also really the main reason I did this is because VarvaraSaimi has done this and I can't think of original ideas

I am a dude and straight
I love dogs so much but I'm mainly a cat person
I am pretty young(11 to be exact)
If I start watching something i like I usually get addicted to it(the main reason I'm in the aul fandom)
I am an introvert and an extrovert at the same time
I have only like 5 friends but there really good friends

Here are a few not so great things about me

I am extremely wimpy, if anyone is in an argument I always run to the other side of the school. Last time I piped into an argument i had the f word screamed in my face 6 times.
I am really short so that makes me a really easy target for bullying
I also still have the mind of a 7 year old so that's another target for bullying
I get really angry when people insult me. If someone is being a jerk and just says I'm gay for no apparent reason I usually lash out at them
I have one friend who's a girl and litterly everyone made fun of me and saying I liked her for 2 months and I'm not Exaggerating. Litterly everyone in my class made fun of me except maybe my best friend

Ok If you learnt something new then yay

If you learnt nothing new then that's creepy.


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