rating ships.

144 3 15

Player x veteran
I like this ship alot. 10/10

Player x captain
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. -10000000000000/10

Veteran x greaser
I feel like if they were in a relationship greaser would cheat on him for someone else.0/10

Captain x Stoner
YES YES YES. there so cute together. 100/10

Captain x dum
I feel like capdum is ruining Captain kind of, I mean I have always kind of hated dum but her being with some so great and adorable it just makes Me hate her. 0/10.

Gentleman x Mr cheese
We all know. 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯/10

Gentleman x mother
I shipped this for 9 seconds then I hated it. 0/10

Mr cheese x Mr egg
I'm neutral about it. 5/10

Mr egg x ria.
I approve of this one. 10/10

Mr egg x gentleman
No matter how much I like Mr egg I can never have them together but the gag at the start in aul 8 was funny. 2/10

Dum x gnome

Ninja x bro
Pretty good ship. I like it 11/ 10.

Engineer x gnome
Y E S. this is my fav ship. Infinity/10

Engineer x wizard
I only think of them as friends but if engignome wasn't a thing it would be much higher. 3/10

Rose x bday
Cute ship that's actually cannon. If a ship is cannon then I'll usually give extra points. 11/10

Sheriff x angel.
I feel like this ones worth a good enemies to lovers cenario. 10/10

Rookie x angel.
My own ship I made but then i switched to sheriff

I think that's all I do for now

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