His Knight

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Blue sat locked in his room while Ink and Dream talked about stars knows what. Was probably dissing the Gang some more. That actually irritated Blue. They've been nothing but helpful and these idiots were to blind to see! They couldn't see Blue crumbling with every smile he faked, every positive emotion he forced out. Well, it didn't matter now. He was done destroying himself for the happiness of others. Especially those who don't deserve it. Blue frowned when someone knocked on the door. They would only let themselves in anyway, so why say anything? Dream stepped in with a piece of paper in his hand as he closed the door behind himself. "... hey." Blue sighed. "Can I leave yet? Not a fan of being held here against my will." Dream shook his head as he crossed the room and sat a ways away from Blue. "we found your letter. did nightmare make you write this?" Anger boiled beneath the surface, threatening to explode. "No. I quit because you guys kept leaving without me anyway." Blue replied bluntly. Dream recoiled at the new wave of negativity. "what did my brother do to you, i miss my happy little friend.."


"That. That right there is what happened." Blue snipped. "Friends? I didn't just want to be friends with you Dream. I liked you! I loved you! But you just-" Blue cut himself off, trying to calm his emotions. Blue didn't want to hurt anyone. Only make them see that the others weren't bad, that Nightmare wasn't bad. "You hurt me. You friendzoned me and instead of being able to deal with it properly, I was forced into a happy state for everyone else. I was tearing my soul apart by doing that and Nightmare helped me to properly get through it." Dream didn't have the words. Not right away. "w-what if he's using you..?"
"HE'S NOT!!!" Blue snapped. "YOU WERE!! YOU, NOT HIM! YOU USED ME FOR MY POSITIVITY AND I JUST LET IT HAPPEN!" Blue screamed, drawing Ink's attention. In a matter of seconds Blue was chained to the floor and checking on the considerably weaker Dream. Tears welled in Blue's sockets. He was so frustrated, he wanted Nightmare to come and take him home.. "your wish is my command."


Everyone froze as one corner of the room grew considerably darker, a certain negative Skeleton stepping out and walking towards Blue. "I wanna go home Night, take me home.." Nightmare softened considerably at Blue's predicament. "of course, i'll take you home." Nightmare destroyed Ink's chains with ease and picked up Blue, cradling him to his chest. Blue didn't mind this time. He needed the comfort. "if either of you have harmed him... y o u w i l l n o t e s c a p e m y w r a t h . " Nightmare hissed before disappearing into the shadows. "Thank you..." Blue wrapped his arms around Nightmare's neck. "Th-ank you.. s-so much." Nightmare hugged Blue closer to him. "i will have error get you a bag of clothes."
"Bring it all. I'm done there." Underswap could do without him. "... very well. i don't mind keeping you." Blue blushed as Nightmare carried him down to the library. "You... mean it..?" Blue mumbled. "you are the one most precious to me.." Night replied. Their faces slowly inched forward and before Blue knew it, their teeth were touching, sending bliss throughout his form. Nightmare was pretty damn happy too. He got what he wanted. The love they were both seeking.

1 chapter left

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