Welcome Home

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Nightmare brought Blue to his own personalized room. "i'll be just down the hall if you need me, get settled in first." Blue smiled at Nightmare tiredly. "Thank you so much for this." Nightmare inclined his head and melted into the shadows. Blue took a look around. Black marble floor, purple accented walls, a gigantic satin weaved bed colored blue and black, and a TV on the wall. Could Blue watch Nabstaton while he was here? "Wowzers.." He shook his head and started unpacking his clothes and separating them into a large, dark wood wardrobe dresser. Nightmare really went all out on this place. The bedroom even had its own separate bathroom for his NTT products and other necessities. Blue could get used to this. The only dampener was the heavy negativity that was to be expected from Nightmare's place. That would take a lot of getting used to since he was used to being around Dream all the time. "I shouldn't even think about him, this is my vacation.." Blue grumbled. Now that he was mostly unpacked, he should find Nightmare. Even the door to his bedroom was large and extravagant as he pushed it open and into the dark halls.


"you've got to be kidding! he's here?! but he's the enemy!" Blue followed Dust's voice to a open spaced throne room. "blueberry has more in common with us then you would think. if any of you try to harm him, i'll harm you." Nightmare hissed, tentacles curling and unfurling. "you know i trust your judgment, nightmare, the enemy sans will not be harmed." Killer promised. Blue still grit his teeth, the unfamiliar feeling of annoyance bubbling in his soul. Was this because of Nightmare's influence all around him? Most likely. "his is not our enemy, not right now. he's our ally." Dust growled, crossing his arms. "this is bullshit, what are we here for if not to murder those who stand in our way?!" Horror rumbled, shaking his head. "don't really matter as long as i get my payment in the end." Dust whirled on him. "that's all you fucking care about is your damn food and it's annoying as fuck!" Blue growled to himself as he decided to finally join the others conversation. "Frankly what's bullshit is your attitude, and who gives a fuck if he's food motivated." Blue tilted his head up, staring at Dust defiantly who honestly looked shocked. Hell, Blue was shocked with himself.


Nightmare sighed, amused. "glad you decided to join us for a few days, i promise this will be good for you. as i'm sure you already noticed, my negativity will amplify yours considerably you will be seeing most things in a more negative light here. let me know when you're ready to go back, otherwise what's mine is yours." Nightmare gestured a hand around the place. "... I gotta be honest, I'm not sure what to think about the seeing things in a negative light thing, but if it's for the best.." Blue replied uneasily. "i understand your concern, but tell me. how does your soul feel?" Blue paused. "It... doesn't hurt as much.." Nightmare nodded in satisfaction. "that, blueberry, is my job." He stood up, the other three quickly backed off. "to balance out dream's positivity with my negativity. since you weren't letting the negativity in, the balance within you was off. that is why you are here, to fix your balance." Nightmare patted Blue's shoulder. "do you understand now?" Blue nodded as he sifted through this new information. "Blue, you can just call me Blue." He told Nightmare without really thinking about it. "... welcome home blue."

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