Blue's Strength

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Nightmare, Killer, and Horror were standing to the side in the training room as Dust and Blue faced off. Dust made the first move, taking a shortcut behind Blue, but somehow the tiny Sans predicted it and crouched, sweeping his leg. Dust staggered back and took another shortcut away. Blue sent bones out towards Dust, who countered with his own bone attacks. Dust took the opportunity to summon a Gaster Blaster and fired in Blue's direction. "isn't that too much?" Horror asked, knowing how powerful and dangerous the Blasters were. ("don't underestimate him.") "d-don-t und-eres-tima-te hi-m." They all looked to Error. "welcome back." Blue broke through the cloud of smoke and landed on the creatures muzzle. He slammed bones through its skull, destroying the creature. He dropped down and darted towards Dust, pivoting on his foot as Dust took another shortcut and summoned his own Gaster Blaster right above Dust. "MWEH HEH HEH HEH, BEHOLD MY SPECIAL ATTACK!" He fired as Dust took a shortcut yet again. Before Dust could refocus on Blue, he was being tackled to the ground. "IF YOUR FACING OFF AGAINST THAT'S OBVIOUSLY STRONGER THAN YOU, TRY TO GIVE HIM AS LITTLE OPENINGS AS POSSIBLE!!" Blue chirped happily.


"EEEEEEEEERRRRRRROOOOORRRRRR!!!!!" Blue bounced happily towards the the glitch, who smiled wide. ("ey blue, been awhile. how did you end up in our little section of the multiverse?") "e-y bl-ue, be-en awh-ile. ho-w d-id yo-u e-nd up-p in o-ur li-tt-le sec-tion of th-e mult-ive-se?" Blue rocked back, grin faltering. "I've been having a hard time at home and with my friends so Nightmare offered for me to come here so I can better manage my negativity other than pushing it away." Error glanced at the Negative King who nodded in confirmation. ("well then, welcome to our humble abode.") "w-ell the-n, wel-co-me t-to o-ur hum-ble abo-de." Error chuckled and left the training room. "hah! you got your ass kicked by a cinnamon roll!" Horror teased while he and Killer helped out a grumbling Dust. "a intelligent and talented cinnamon roll." Killer wiggled his bonebrows. "oh la la~" Nightmare growled as a cyan tint came to his cheeks. "sh-shut up!" Blue wandered out, blushing himself. "What was that about...?" He questioned as he made his way to the kitchen to do his thing.


Blue knew he couldn't stay forever. He still had a part to play in Underswap. But he was really enjoying his time here, he felt better than he ever had in a long time. "I would like to go home tomorrow. I've been away long enough." Nightmare looked up at Blue from where he was reading in his library. "...very well.." Blue smiled at him. "I'm sorry, but I miss home. Thank you for all that you've done though! I truly enjoyed my time here!" Blue's smile was contagious. "i understand blue, and if you ever need a break again, you're welcome to return."
"Thank you Night." Blue hesitated to leave. Nightmare took this opportunity. "would you like to join me in reading, blue?" The little forced optimist nodded and sat in the chair beside Nightmare. "Can you... read outloud to me...?" Nightmare looked at Blue again. He looked tired, probably from earlier. "of course i can." He agreed, turning to the book where he proceeded to start from the beginning. It didn't take long at all before Blue was out on the chair. When Nightmare noticed, he closed the text, and picked up his baby Blue. If only he could tell Blue how he felt. How much he wanted to further get to know Blue. He brought Blue to his room and tucked him in.

3 chapters left

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