Darkness in Him

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Blueberry jumped in excitement. Today was the day. Today he would be able to fight alongside his team and prove to Ink and Dream he could be useful too. He scampered down the stairs, outside the house and to the basement so he would be on time for the mission. Upon stepping through the portal, he rushed to the base and planted an quick and loud knock on the door. After a few minutes he let himself in, the other two were probably busy, right? Yeah right... they were already gone. Blueberry found a note on the table saying as much with a lollipop next to it. Blueberry grit his teeth. It was an insult if anything and before he realized it, he'd thrown the treat across the room. He flinched immediately and shoved down those thoughts and feelings. "I-ITS OK. THEY DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING BY IT... I'LL JUST HAVE TO BE EARLIER NEXT TIME..!" He retrieved the small treat and left the base, returning home. He'd probably just give it to Stretch since he was the one with the sweet tooth, Blueberry would've thought they'd know that by now...


Blueberry paused and took a few deep breaths. This wasn't him. He was the happy, cheerful, optimist. He couldn't be angry or sad. He HAD to be that way for Stretch who was already going through so much and Alphys and Dream. Blueberry blushed at the thought of the Positivity Guardian. It was true, Blueberry had a crush on him, but he knew Dream didn't see him the same. Still, he did what he could for the people he cared about, and if that meant suppressing his negative emotions to make Dream stronger and Stretch and Alphys happier, he would do it... no matter how much it hurt. When Blueberry was positive he'd succeeded in calming himself, he smiled and went inside. "GOOD MORNING BROTHER! I'VE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU!" Stretch sat up on the couch and offered for Blueberry to join him. He happily joined his brother, and handed him the lollipop. "aw, thanks blueberry! you're so sweet buddy!" He then proceeded to pat Blueberry's head like he was a child. He hated this, he was the older brother, he wasn't a kid, he- 'Calm, calm down. He doesn't mean anything by it, you know that.' He reminded himself quietly.


Nightmare dodged one of Dream's arrows, though his mind wasn't in the battle. He was seeking something out. A new source of negativity that he hadn't quite pinpointed yet. When it started a few weeks ago, it had been so quiet that he'd barely noticed, but whoever it was, they'd been struggling to keep it contained. They must've recently gone through something harsh to the soul. Maybe lost someone, maybe a breakup, or maybe rejection. Either way, Nightmare wanted to find it and see what use it could be to him. "murder time trio. finish this." Dream snapped out of concentration as the Murder Time Trio attacked. "w-what, nightmare!" Nightmare laughed. "sorry, 'brother' but i have some business to attend!" The King ditched the au for the place he was feeling that new negativity.


Imagine his surprise upon finding himself in Underswap. He kept to the shadows as he tracked the source to Waterfall. He soon found himself listening in on a conversation. "L-look Sans. You're strong. Like, really strong! But... I could never let you into the guard. Your mentality... you'd be killed in-"
"I UNDERSTAND ALPHYS." Blueberry cut her off, a smile in place despite his increased negativity. "We can still train and stuff though! I really-" She was cut off again. "IT SOUNDS NICE, ALPHYS. I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW, BRIGHT AND EARLY." Blueberry turned away from Alphys, the Captain made no move to call him back. Nightmare's tentacles twitched. How unexpected. Blueberry was the source. Nightmare decided to watch and wait, to see if there were other reasons why.

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