One Brother's Mess is Another Brother's Treasure

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Digging through Blueberry's memories while he was asleep was quite affective. He'd found plenty that had him second guessing Blueberry's 'happy' life. Starting with Stretch and getting worse with every new person the little Sans met. It seemed he was often underestimated, Nightmare had to admit that he had also underestimated Blueberry. Who wouldn't? He was a tiny little bean that believed in everyone. For a long time, Blueberry was either oblivious to how others treated him or didn't care. Even now, he was still suppressing his negative emotions in his sleep, somehow keeping the nightmares of his past at bay. It was impressive, yet very unhealthy. What seemed to finally wake Blueberry of his treatment was a rejection that happened a few weeks ago by Nightmare's very own brother. Blueberry had tried to ask him on a date, but he'd been laughed at and brushed off. They'd been leaving Blueberry behind since, which made sense why Nightmare hadn't seen him as of late. Blueberry knew it too, but was trying to convince himself otherwise. Coupled with the most recent happening, his dream of being in the Royal Guard being shattered in front of his face by who he'd perceived to be his best friend. He wanted to know more about the rejection though. "you've done well against my presence, blueberry, but even you need a bit of negativity in your life."


Blueberry was nervous. Not about the mission, but about what was after. He was going to ask his crush on a date. It wasn't just that Dream was the Guardian of Positivity. Blueberry loved how helpful and sweet Dream was. He was determined to save the Multiverse! Dream was a hero, and everyone loved heros. Even Blueberry. So they went to stop another au from being destroyed. Ink and Dream handled it as per usual while Blueberry stood on the sidelines... but that's ok! As long as Dream was happy! They went back to base, satisfied with what they'd accomplished. "H-HEY DREAM, CAN WE TALK?" Dream turned to him. "sure! what's up, blue?" Blueberry blushed and averted his gaze. "W-WELL, WE'VE... WE'VE BEEN FRIENDS FOR AWHILE, AND I LIKE YOU... SO... I WAS WONDERING... IF WE COULD GO OUT SOMETIME..?" He looked up hopefully to a startled Dream. Then Dream laughed. "i like you too, blueberry! you're like a little brother to me! but i don't have time for a hangout, sorry."


Blueberry broke away from sleep as he desperately tried to shove down his pain and sadness. He couldn't be having nightmares, they didn't help any- Blueberry froze. He wasn't alone. He could sense it, someone was here with him and he had a pretty good idea of who it was. "NIGHTMARE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" The King of Negativity melted out of the shadows, observing Blueberry carefully. "why do you do this to yourself, blue?" Blueberry blinked and tilted his head. "EXCUSE ME?" Nightmare looked pointedly at Blue. "you know what i mean. it's ok to be upset. it's ok to cry." Blueberry nearly flinched. He knew Nightmare had sensed his negativity. "I'M NOT UPSET AND I HAVE NO REASON TO CRY." He insisted. "liar. even my brother gets upset when things go wrong. you are allowed to be selfish once in awhile. all you are doing is hurting yourself, suppressing your suffering. i'm sure your soul isn't doing to good."
"WHAT DO YOU CARE?" That had come out wrong. He hadn't meant to sound that aggressive. "I'M SO-" Nightmare chuckled, smirking. "that's it, boy. get mad. release some sort of negativity, because suppressing it will kill you eventually." Nightmare stepped back into the shadows and Blueberry found himself alone. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED..?"

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